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t <br />I r I <br />what happened to the extra money when all the property was <br />reassessed last year. <br />Chairman Lyons pointed out that for one thing the cost <br />of everything we have to do business with went up; we got <br />less money from other sources than we had before; personnel <br />costs went up from wage increases; and in addition, we are <br />losing revenue because of the additional homestead <br />exemption. <br />Commissioner Wodtke explained to those present that the <br />Commission's answers tonight might not jibe with a person's <br />increase in taxes because the Commission only collects the <br />dollars for what we budget and does not govern the taxes <br />collected by other Districts, such as the School Board or <br />Hospital District. <br />Considerable forceful argument continued about the <br />amount of taxes collected last -year, and it was noted that <br />at this time we are only discussing one fund in the County <br />budget. <br />Finance officer Barton explained that the total <br />collected expenditures last year for the General Fund was <br />$7,358,000 of which $4,410,000, or about 55%, was from ad <br />valorem taxes. He continued that there are 26 entities in <br />the County besides the County Commission with the authority <br />to levy taxes in the county. The number of these entities <br />you pay taxes to depends on where you live. There is one new <br />taxing entity corning into being this year, the Gifford <br />Street Lighting District, but unless you live in that <br />specific area in Gifford, you do not pay that tax. The 27 <br />taxing authorities are asking for 29 million, or a 5.9 <br />million increase in ad valorem dollars. Number one on the <br />list asking for this increase is the School Board, which is <br />asking for 2.34 million of the 5.9. He suggested those <br />present also attend the School Board's budget hearing. Last <br />year the Hospital District did not assess a millage, and <br />this year they are asking for 1.72 million. <br />7 <br />BOOK 4 7 PACE 860 <br />I <br />