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Section 16. COMPLIANCE WITH EXISTING LAWS AND <br />REGULATIONS REQUIRFD. <br />In the operation of transportation facilities, the authority and <br />any corporation, association, employee or individual acting for the <br />authority, shall comply with safety regulations, County ordinances, state <br />laws or regulations, and federal regulations. <br />Section 17. RIGHTS OF EMPLOYEES OF TRANSPORTA- <br />TION SYSTEMS ACQUIRED BY COUNTY. <br />Whenever the County.acquires existing transportation systems <br />or facilities from a publicly or privately owned public utility, to the ex- <br />tent necessary or feasible for the economic operation of such facilities, <br />all of the employees of such acquired transit system whose duties pertain <br />to the facilities acquired shall be employed in comparable positions in the <br />County service and the pay status, seniority, vacation and sick leave <br />rights shall be preserved and maintained to the fullest possible extent. <br />All employees of the authority shall be deemed, considered or construed <br />as County employees and shall be entitled to all the rights, privileges and <br />benefits of County emplUyees. <br />Section 18. BUDGETS REQUIRED; EXPENDITURES FROM <br />COUNTY TAX FUNDS PERMITTED; <br />(a) The authority shall not have power to expend funds or <br />obligate the Country for any amount in excess of that provided for in the <br />current budget of the authority. Annually the authority shall prepare a <br />budget accurately itemizing all estimated revenue and expenses, including <br />debt service and sinking funds for all outstanding revenue bonds, for the <br />ensuing fiscal year commencing October ]--' and ending September 30t11. <br />The authority shall not expend or incur any liability that is not authorized <br />and provided for in its current budget, or an amendment thereto approved <br />by the County Comrnission. <br />(h) County tax funds may he expended by the Board of <br />Co_,nty C,�n,n,is~iuncrs for IIIc aul.hority. The County Commission may <br />