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soon 8 FnE :. <br />determine amounts of rock excavation or foundation conditions, the ENGINEER <br />will furnish supervision of said explorations without additional charge, <br />but the costs incident to such explorations, no matter whether they are <br />performed by the ENGINEER or,by others, shall be paid for by the OWNER as <br />a direct cost to the ENGINEER. <br />3. The ENGINEER will attend conferences with the OWNER and his representatives <br />and other.interested parties. <br />4. The contract documents furnished by the ENGINEER under Section A-2 above <br />shall utilize standard construction contract documents, including Supple- <br />mental General Conditions, Contract Change Orders and partial payment <br />estimates. <br />5. Prior to the advertisement for bids, the ENGINEER, for each construction <br />contract, will provide not to exceed 10 copies of detailed drawings, speci- <br />fications, and contract documents for use of the OWNER, and the appropriate <br />Federal, State, and local agencies from whom approval of the project must <br />be obtained. The cost of such drawings, specifications, and contract docu- <br />ments shall be included in the basic compensation paid to the ENGINEER. <br />6. The ENGINEER will furnish additional copies of the drawings, specifications <br />and contract documents as required by prospective bidders, material suppli- <br />ers, and other interested parties, but may charge for the actual cost of <br />such copies. Upon award of each contract, the ENGINEER will furnish to <br />the OWNER five sets of the drawings, specifications and contract documents <br />for execution. The cost of these sets shall be included in the basic com- <br />pensation paid to the ENGINEER. Original documents, survey notes, tracings, <br />and the like, except those furry;shed to the ENGINEER by the OWNER, are and <br />shall remain the property of the ENGINEER. <br />7. The drawings prepared by the ENGINEER under the provisions of Section A-2 <br />above shall be in sufficient detail to permit the actual location of the <br />proposed improvements on the ground. The ENGINEER shall prepare and furnish <br />to the OWNER without any additional compensation, three copies of a map <br />showing the needed construction easements and permanent easements and the <br />land to be acquired. Property surveys, property plats, legal descriptions, <br />and negotiations for land rights shall be accomplished by the OWNER, unless <br />the OWNER requests the ENGI"JEER to perform these services. In the event <br />Page Two <br />