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Lengthy discussion ensued about fees, and the extreme <br />tight budget under which the Board was working. <br />Mr.Thomas indicated that it may be necessary to use <br />Contingency Funds at the time of payment of the engineering services. <br />Attorney Collins commented that the County does not have <br />any authority to use the money until it was totally funded. He <br />explained that if people would show interest and pay their impact <br />fees, the sooner it was funded, the sooner they would go into the <br />next phase of the project. <br />John Robbins indicated that they have not statted the <br />design as yet. They have surveying teams that must be pulled <br />together, and also some aerial photographs must be made. He advised <br />that their firm would not be invoicing the County for about 60 days <br />because it would take them that long before they could generate an <br />invoice. <br />Administrator Nelson advised that the money they receive <br />for the impact fees would be in an escrow fund, and at the <br />appropriate time, the engineering fees would be paid from that escrow <br />fund. <br />Commissioner Scurlock added to his original Motion that <br />the engineering fees would be paid from the escrow fund. <br />Commissioner Bird seconded the Motion. <br />Lengthy discussion ensued. <br />The Chairman called for the question. It was voted on and <br />carried with a vote of 4 to 1, with Commissioner Fletcher voting in <br />opposition. <br />WATER. RESOURCES STUDY <br />The Board reviewed the following information regarding <br />the hater Resources Study! <br />BOOK 48 PAGE 29 <br />NOV 4 1981 29 (no page 30) <br />