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On Motion by Commissioner Wodtke, seconded by Commissioner <br />Scurlock, the Board unanimously awarded Bid #101 for road rock to <br />Dickerson, Inc. as being the lowest and best bidder in the amount of <br />$10.95 per ton; funding to be from Account #004-214-541-35-39. <br />FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY - SR. 512 CROSSING <br />After a brief discussion, it was determined that there <br />was a discrepancy in the dollar figures in the Administrator's <br />memorandum and other pertinent correspondence. <br />On Motion by Commissioner Scurlock, seconded by Commis- <br />sioner Bird, the Board unanimously agreed to withdraw this item from <br />the agenda. <br />REPORT ON SIXTEENTH STREET <br />Administrator Nelson introduced the new Traffic Engineer, <br />Mike Orr, to the Board. The Board then reviewed the following material: <br />NOV 4 1991 BOOK 48 PAGE 4:5 <br />46 <br />