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NO V 4 19J'11 <br />BOOR 48 PAPE 50 <br />Mike Orr reported that they were doing volume counts <br />on the roads and also plan to do the intersections. All this must <br />be performed before the equalizations can be done. He added that <br />they will be studying pedestrian traffic, as well as school buses, <br />if more counters can be obtained. Mr. Orr noted that to compile the <br />data, it would take less than 15 weeks. <br />Discussion arose regarding the computer, and the Admin- <br />istrator would determine the feasibility of utilizing the computer <br />for this project. <br />Commissioner Bird suggested they use volunteers, such as <br />the Treasure Coast Women, who could do field research or interviews. <br />Commissioner Wodtke expressed concern about the safety of <br />the school children and realized the problem was very complex. <br />Por. Orr stated they will try to project future traffic <br />problems and patterns; there was a possibility the school could use <br />a different route for their buses. <br />Chairman Lyons felt that a joint safety committee should be <br />set up with the School Board to try to work out this traffic situation. <br />Discussion followed, and it was determined that a letter <br />should be written to the Superintendent of Schools to suggest they <br />make a technical person available to work with the County regarding <br />this matter. <br />On Motion by Commissioner Bird, seconded by Commissioner <br />Scurlock, the Board authorized the Chairman to write to the <br />Superintendent of Schools to suggest a technical person work with <br />the County. <br />