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INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />ORDINANCE NO. 81- 9 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING INDIAN RIVER COUNTY CODE <br />OF COUNTY ORDINANCES APPENDIX A - ZONING, SEC- <br />TION 27 ZONINO AMENDMENTS, SUBSECTION (b) <br />AMENDMENT PROCEDURES, BY PROVIDING FOR A NEW <br />AMENDMENT PROCEDURE; BY PROVIDING FOR THE <br />PAYMENT OF APPLICATION FEES; BY PROVIDING <br />FOR THE PAYMENT OF OTHER EXPENSES INCURRED <br />IN THE AMENDMENT PROCEDTTRE; BY PROVIDING - <br />FOR APPEALS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE <br />DATE. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Indian River County Code of <br />County Ordinances Appendix A - Zoning, Section 27 Zoning Amendments, <br />Subsection (b) Amendment Procedures, which previously read: <br />Sec. 27. Zoning amendments. <br />(b) Amendment procedures. Persons authorized under paragraph (a) <br />to request zoning changes or amendments shall submit a petition on <br />forms with the required fee and in the manner provided from time to <br />time by resolution of the boar::[ of county commissioners. The appli- <br />cant shall pay to the county an application fee as established by <br />resolution of the board of county commissioners for each requested <br />change; provided, however, that as many lots or parcels of property <br />as the applicant may desire may be included in any single petition <br />if they constitute one contiguous area. Within ten (10) days the <br />county planning office will transmit the petition with its comments <br />to the county zoning department. The zoning department shall trans- <br />mit copies of the petition and the county planning office's comments <br />to the members of the county zoning commission at least seven (7) <br />days prior to the zoning commission's first consideration of the <br />petition. The county zoning department shall notify the applicant <br />of the time and place of the county zoning commission meeting to <br />consider the applicant's petition. Should the county zoning com- <br />mission tentatively approve the petition, public hearings shall be <br />held by the county zoning commission and the board of county com- <br />missioners. Should the county zoning commission deny tentative <br />approval and the applicant wishes to appeal the decision to the <br />board of county commissioners of Indian River County, the county <br />zoning department shall transmit copies of the petition, the county <br />planning office's comments and the minutes of the zoning commission <br />meeting to each member of the board of county commissioners at least <br />sevQn (7) days before f La board shall consider the Apneas_ The <br />county zoning department shall notify the applicant of the time and <br />place of the meeting at which the board of county commissioners will <br />hear the appeal. Should the board of county commissioners tentatively <br />approve the petition, the county zoning commission and the board of <br />county commissioners will proceed to hold public hearings on the <br />petition. Should the board of county commissioners deny tentative <br />approval, the applicant may withdraw his peitition and the fee depos- <br />ited shall be returned to him. Should the applicant desire public <br />hearings, he shall inform the board of county commissioners and the <br />county zoning commission and the board of county commissioners will <br />proceed with public hearings and the fee deposited shall remain the <br />property of the county. The county zoning commission shall hold the <br />first public hearing on any petition. At least seven (7) days prior <br />to the board of county commissioners' public hearing on any petition, <br />the county zoning department shall transmit to each commissioner, <br />copies of the petition, the county planning office's comments, and <br />all minutes of the county zoning commission concerning the petition. <br />When public hearings are held, then in addition to meeting the state <br />