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ffi ,ii.\ lt; <br />standards, an estimated 193 acres should be devoted to di:triet <br />community parks. The County should provide comrnunity parks for <br />the unincorporated areas (38,582 people) and the municipalities <br />should provide community parks for the population in the <br />incorporated areas of the County. Table 1 indicates that much <br />of the County park land is dedicated to Spee-ia{-Use beach, lake <br />and riverfront parks. Approximately 55 acres is utilized for <br />Community parks. An additional 4.7 acres of mini-park land <br />which is vacant and not suitable for development., is scattered <br />throughout the County. <br />1980 Census figures indicate a County population of <br />59,896. According to space standards, approximately 300 acres <br />are required for regional and speeia:L-use beach, lake and <br />riverfront parks. Approximately 560 acres are utilized for a <br />Regional park and an additional 237.5 acres to Speeia+-use <br />beach, lake and riverfront parks. <br />The United States Government manages the pelican Is1and <br />Wildlife Refuge. This includes 4,260 acres of land and water <br />area along the Indian River. Its function is to protect the <br />sensitive wildlife habitat. The management area provides and <br />protects an important open space feature and offers a setting <br />for passive recreational enjoyment. <br />The State of Florida owns and operates the 30I acre <br />Sebastian fnlet State Park and manages Donald McDonald park, a <br />37 acre recreation area owned by the County. These are passive <br />outdoor recreation areas with facilities for picnicking. <br />boating, carnping and similar resource-based activities. The <br />Sebastian Inlet Park includes approximately 7500 linear feet of <br />beach frontage. State efforts are directed toward developing <br />regional parks where residents and visitors can enjoy the <br />Statets unique natural resources. <br />CODING: Words in stniek-€hreuqh type are cleletions;words underlined are additions. <br />-5-