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TO: The Honorable Board <br />of County Commissioners <br />FROM: raj <br />Neil Nelson <br />County Administrator <br />DATE: January 8, 1982 FILE: <br />SUBJECT: RELEASE OF EASEMENT REQUEST <br />BY GEORGES' POMINVILLE <br />REFERENCES: <br />It is recommended that the data herein presented by given formal consideration by <br />the County Commission. <br />DESCRIPTION AND CONDITIONS: <br />The County has been petitioned by Mr. Georges' Pominville to release the common <br />side lot three foot easements of Lots 8 and 10 on Block 1 of Tropical Village <br />Estates Subdivision. <br />The request has been reviewed by Southern Bell, Florida Power & Light, and the <br />Utility and R.O.W. Departments. Planning and Zoning staff analysis, which includes <br />a site visit, showed that drainage would be adequately handled by the existing <br />front and rear swales. <br />ALTERNATIVES AND ANALYSIS: <br />A) To release the easement. This would allow Mr. Pominville to construct a fence <br />around both lots and later build an addition on to his existing house over the <br />easeme;ts. The release of the easement is not anticipated to have any adverse <br />effect. <br />B) If the County decides to not release the easement it would be denying the <br />applicant the opportunity to build an addition on his home as well as pro- <br />hibit the constricting of a fence around his property. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff recommends the release of the common side lot three foot easements of Lots 8 <br />and 10 on Block 1 of Tropical Village Estates Subdivision, as outlined in Alternative <br />A. <br />On Motion by Commissioner Lyons, seconded by <br />Commissioner Bird, the Board unanimously adopted Resolution <br />82-24 releasing the side lot line easements lying between <br />Lots 8 and 10, Tropical Village Estates, as requested by <br />George Pominville. <br />JAN 2 0 198a <br />noK 48 PASE560 <br />