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JAN <br />271982 <br />e9ox <br />48 Pmu-1650 <br />DISCUSSION <br />RE PURCHASE OF FILL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF <br />OSLO FIRE <br />STATION <br />Chairman Scurlock reported that he had discussed this <br />matter with Mr. Nason, Financial Administrator of the South <br />County Fire District, who is recommending the fill be <br />purchased since it seems that the County does not have the <br />ability to supply an adequate amount. <br />Administrator Nelson reported that the County would <br />have the ability to supply the fill, but it would adversely <br />impact the operations of the Road & Bridge Department. If <br />the fill can be purchased within the budget from outside <br />sources, he recommended that this be done. <br />Questions arose as to the price for the fill, the <br />funding, etc., and it was felt this matter should be delayed <br />until Mr. Nason can be present. <br />On Motion by Commissioner Lyons, seconded by <br />Commissioner Wodtke, Commissioner Fletcher being temporarily <br />absent, the Board agreed to table this matter until 11:30 <br />A.M. when Mr. Nason can supply further information. <br />SELECTION OF ARCHITECTURAL FIRM FOR FOURTH COURTROOM <br />Administrator Nelson reviewed the following memo and <br />attached letter from Judge Smith: <br />2 <br />