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and regulations and shall have the power to eject and expel any <br />person for violation of any park rule or regulation and report the <br />violation of any regulation to the proper law enforcement <br />officers. <br />B. DESIGNATED AREAS. <br />The Supervisor shall have the power to designate areas <br />and facilities in park and recreational facilities for specific <br />activities, and to prohibit other activities within the designated <br />area according to the terms of this Ordinance. The Supervisor <br />shall be the official custodian of a list of all areas which have <br />been designated for specific activities. Such list shall contain <br />a description of the property which is designated for a specific <br />agtivity and the nature of the activities which are permitted. <br />The Supervisor is authorized to post designated areas when in his <br />discretion such posting is appropriate. <br />SECTION 7. LITTER OFFICER <br />The County Administrator shall appoint, pursuant to <br />Florida Statutes §403.413 (1975), Indian River County Litter <br />Officers, as necessary, who shall be employees of the Indian River <br />County Parks and Recreation Department. These employees shall <br />qualify as law enforcement officers for the purpose of enforcing <br />Florida Statutes §403.413 (1975) and this Ordinance. <br />SECTION 8. SEVERABILITY <br />In the event any section, paragraph or phrase of this <br />Ordinance is declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdic- <br />tion, such section, paragraph or phrase shall be deemed a separate <br />provision of this Ordinance and shall not affect the validity of <br />other parts of this Ordinance. <br />SECTION 9. REPEAL OF CONFLICTING PROVISIONS <br />All provisions, ordinances or rules which conflict with <br />this Ordinance are hereby repealed, to the extent of such con- <br />flict. Indian River County Ordinances 79-22 and 77-32 are hereby <br />repealed. <br />SECTION 10. INCORPORATION OF ORDINANCE IN COUNTY CODE. <br />Provisions of this Ordinance shall be incorporated into <br />the County Code and the word "ordinance" may be changed to <br />-10- <br />