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16. SLEEPING, CAMPING AND LODGING <br />No person shall sleep, camp, lodge, or park a vehicle <br />overnight in any park or recreational area except in such areas as <br />designated for such purposes without first having obtained a <br />permit from the Department. <br />17. TRAFFIC <br />A. The State Uniform Traffic Control Laws, Chapter 316, <br />Florida Statutes, are incorporated by reference and made a part of <br />this Ordinance and shall apply to the operation of all motor <br />vehicles on streets and roads in county parks, unless modified <br />otherwise under the provision of this Ordinance. Traffic officers <br />and employees of the Department are hereby authorized to direct <br />traffic whenever necessary. <br />B. No person shall operate, drive or park any vehicle <br />upon any road, driveway, path, parking area or other area unless <br />it has been designated by the -Department for such purpose. No <br />person shall cause any vehicle for hire to stand upon any part of <br />a park or recreational area for the purpose of soliciting <br />passengers. <br />C. No person shall drive a vehicle at a rate of speed <br />exceeding five (5) miles per hour in any County park unless the <br />Department has designated, by posted sign, a greater speed limit. <br />D. No person shall park any vehicle in any area other <br />than the areas which are designated for parking. <br />E. No trucks and or trailers allowed except on desig- <br />nated roads or in designated areas so posted. <br />18. TREES AND VEGETATION <br />No person in any park or recreational area shall remove, <br />damage, disturb, cut, carve, or transplant, any tree, shrubbery, <br />lawn, plant or flowers. No person shall attach any rope, wire, or <br />other contrivance to any tree or plant in any park or recreational <br />facility. <br />19. TRESPASS <br />No person shall enter or remain on park or recreatiorlal <br />facilities without a permit during hours when the facility is <br />closed, provided, however, that closing hours must be posted at <br />the entrance of the park or recreational facility. <br />SC <br />