oROINANcE No. 83-17
<br />WHEREAS, the Hoard of County Commissioners of Indian River County,
<br />Florida, did publish and send its Notice of Intent to zone the
<br />hereinafter described property and pursuant thereto held a public
<br />hearing in relation thereto, at which parties in interest and citizens
<br />were heard; NOW, THEREFORE,
<br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian
<br />River County, Florida, that the Zoning Ordinance of Indian River County
<br />Florida, and the accompanying Zoning Map, be amended as follows:
<br />1. That the Zoning Map be changed in order that the
<br />following described property situated in Indian River
<br />County, Florida, to -wit:
<br />The subject property is located on the east side of State Road
<br />A -1-A, between the'city limits of Indian River Shores and Vero
<br />Beach. The subject property is described as:
<br />From the Southwesterly corner of Pebble Beach Development No. 2
<br />according to a plat filed in Plat Book 7, Page 83-A, Public Records
<br />of Indian River County run N 890 53' 24" E, 421.88 feet
<br />along the South boundary of said Pebble Beach Development No. 2 and
<br />thence run S 00 06' 36" E, 20.00 feet to the Point of Begin-
<br />ning. From said Point of Beginning, run N 890 53' 24" E, 344.28
<br />feet to the Southeast corner of Pebble Beach Development No. 2;
<br />thence run S 00 22' 34" E, 320 feet along the West boundary of
<br />the East 10.69 acres of said Government Lot 1 Section 20, Township
<br />32, South, Range 40 East; thence run S 89Y 53' 24" W, 344.281;
<br />and thence run N 00 06' 36" W 320 feet to the Point of Begin-
<br />ning. All lying and being in Section 20, Township 32 South, Range
<br />40 East, Indian River County, Florida. Containing 2.529 acres more
<br />or less.
<br />That certain tract or parcel of land located in Government Lot 1,
<br />Section 20, Township 32 South, Range 40 East in Indian River
<br />County, Florida, and more particularly described as follows,
<br />to -wit:
<br />As a point of reference, commence at the southwest corner of said
<br />Section 20; run thence S 890 45' 25" E along the south line of
<br />said Section20, a distance of 349.14 feet to a concrete monument,
<br />thence N 00 13' 15" E, 1000 feet to the point of beginning of
<br />the �roperty hereby conveyed; from said point of beginning continue
<br />N 0 13' 15" E, 350 feet to a point; thence S 890 45'
<br />25" E, 90 feet, more or less, to the mean high water line of the
<br />Atlantic Ocean; thence noaruer is a southeasterly direction 375
<br />feet, more or less, to a line that is parallel and 1000 feet north
<br />of the south line of said Section 20; thence N 890 45' 25" W,
<br />208 feet, more or less, to a line that is parallel and 349.14 feet
<br />east of the west line of said Section 20 and the point of begin-
<br />ning, containing 1.21 acres, more or less.
<br />Being a parcel of land lying in the East 10 acres of Government Lot
<br />1 (the same being known as the Government Tracking Station),
<br />