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The Board continued to discuss the various problems <br />presented by. Mrs. Forlani, and Commissioner Bird asked Mrs. <br />Forlani whether she would reconsider if she thought all this <br />could be straightened out and finalized within 30 days. She <br />agreed that she would have to give the mattes some thought on <br />that basis. <br />Commissioner Wodtke noted that Mrs. Forlani has been with <br />the County since he has been on the Commission. He stated there <br />was no one he could depend on more, and she could be very proud <br />of the work she had done for the county and its citizens. He <br />expressed regret for some of the reasons that had forced her to <br />come to a decision to resign, and presented her with a present <br />for either "good-bye" or "welcome back." <br />Commissioner Lyons' Motion died for lack of a second, and <br />the Chairman called a brief recess --to have an opportunity for <br />further discussion with Mrs. Forlani. <br />The Board of County Commissioner reconvened with the same <br />members present. <br />Commissioner -Bird expressed the hope that this problem can <br />be resolved and asked the Chairman to review the specific items <br />he had discussed with Mrs. Forlani re changes in her department. <br />Chairman Scurlock stated that one of the first problems she <br />had identified was that the level of compensation was <br />inconsistent with the job. He had suggested an immediate 100 <br />increase and that at budget time, being an administrative <br />secretary and responsible for her department budget, she would <br />prepare her own budget, including salaries, and the department <br />would be directly responsible to the County Commission. He noted <br />that he also had indicated that the matter of additional <br />personnel could be addressed at budget time. <br />Mrs. Forlani stated that was too late, and someone is needed <br />right now. <br />Commissioner Lyons pointed out that the Commission has <br />enough work that they now meet almost each week; we have <br />10 <br />APR 28 198249 '.. <br />��aK 482 <br />