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be trying to determine the problem and eliminate it. You had <br />previously informed me that the insurance carrier suggested that <br />two so-called experts from the University of South Florida, 'as a <br />team be called in, but it was evident from their references that <br />they were totally unqualified to make this study. This indicates <br />again that the insurance carrier has not tried to find the source <br />of the problem and eliminate it, but `I s only seeking tol-avoid <br />liability and bury the problem., The County Commissioners are going <br />to have to take the position that the safety and welfare of the <br />occupants of the courthouse comes first over the wishes or desires <br />of the insurance carrier and if a conflict has arisen, the County <br />Commissioners should be honest enough- to recognize this and*turn <br />over their responsibility for the maintenance and safekeeping of the <br />courthouse to a third party. There is just no real excuse or valid <br />reason why the delay for this testing has occurred. <br />In regard to the pigeons, this problem was called to the attention of <br />the County Administrator by written Memorandum, personally delivered <br />to him on September 11, 1981. It was my -understanding, from you, that <br />you were trying to eliminate or solve this problem since you advised me <br />that you had written the Humane Society. In fact, you also wrote the <br />Fresh Water & Game Commission a letter of April 5, 1982. If you never <br />intended to do anything about the pigeons, why did you write the <br />Humane Society and Game Commission? There is enclosed a copy of a letter <br />from.Dr. Jeff Slade, D.V.M. in which he suggested that there have been <br />devices that scare pigeons away. Also I received a call from a party <br />that suggested wooden owls installed on the roof keep pigeons away. <br />I am not saying that there is a present problem with the pigeons, but <br />this request to scare or kill the pigeons from the fresh -air intake <br />on the air-conditioning units on the roof, was for preventive measures <br />to prevent any future problems and as an extra precaution against the <br />pigeonsgetting into the fresh -air vents again. Nearly any time you go <br />by the courthouse, you can see pi;§eons on the roof or flying around <br />the roof, so I know that we still have pigeons and since the pigeons <br />have gotten into the air-conditioning vents before, I still think there <br />is a good chance that they will do so again, although it may be <br />several years down the road. <br />As to the carpeting, the attorney for Focus Carpet Corporation <br />advises in his letter of March 24, 1982, to Gary M. Brandenberg, and I <br />quote: " We are advised by the Company that no formaldehyde has been used <br />in carpet manufacturing.for approximately ten years.. Additionally, <br />the company has requested each of its suppliers to verify that they do <br />not use formaldehyde in the products sold to.the Company for use in manu- <br />facturing carpet." Now the same attorney for Focus Carpet Company, by <br />letter to Brandenberg of April 30, 1982, sent us tests of the carpeting <br />results which show that there are 47ppm free formaldehyde, but that.the <br />formaldehyde is non-detectable with nose or sense of smell. These <br />test results thep, show conclusively that there is -formaldehyde in this <br />carpet, contrary to what they previously stated on Mar ch 24, 1982. We <br />do not know , or at least I have never been informed about the glue <br />other than some technical terms and I don't know what they mean. Since <br />the carpeting dogs contain formaldehyde we are again requesting that all <br />the carpeting and the glue be.removed from the entire courthouse and <br />that suitable nop-allergenic carpeting, with po glue, be installgd. <br />.As far as the halls are concerned, we don't care if it is carpeting <br />or some cheaper product. <br />In regard to the completion date of the large courtroom and your advise- <br />ment to us as to estimated completion time-, you still have not given. <br />us any time in your reply. The importance of having a courtroom large <br />enough for a twelve -person jury cannot be over emphasized since it is <br />mandatory in capitol cases and condemnation cases. All of the judges <br />work on schedules_ prepared months ahead and it would greatly help us <br />if we could have some estimated date of completion. <br />' ` 88fJK <br />MAY 2 6 198241 <br />