<br />TALLA HAti:sEF, 32301
<br />Ca,A PIER 218, PART xiFLORIDA STATU a cS}
<br />i'lease YP1✓OR PRINT all entries except those requiring a signature.
<br />PA:&T ONE
<br />Name o. -'County Indian Ri ver County
<br />:Maine o ,V.un.cipality Board of County Commis si overs
<br />305/567-8000
<br />i c.cpno-.w it urn- ber
<br />(Area Code) - (Number)
<br />lviayor or Chairman of Governing Body Don C. Scurlock, Jr., Chairman
<br />C. 'l;iSCaiOfficer. Jeffrey K. Barton
<br />SES i
<br />Street. LlerQ EeaL ch.a` FL!
<br />1 Check here if the address above represents a cha ze.
<br />ZIP 12g6a
<br />i o be y:".„iUll', zo parzicipate in Revenue Sharing beyond the minh:1urn entitlement for any fiscai year, a ,ni
<br />Off' ioal .'Gverniati'nt is requxre.- to have:
<br />;.porte.i A.s finances for its most rece:.tly completed fiscal year to the Department of Bank-
<br />ing and 1"IYiaince, pursu-,r:t to Section ,iu.J�, �iG:spa Statutes.
<br />Made provisions
<br />'or annual pos-. aL:d.ts of its ilitanciai accounts in accordance with Prov:U-
<br />ions of law.
<br />J. :ViC d, as SiiOVJ;: Oil IIS il-lost recen', financial : c'30ri, -want to Section 218.321. t :ii::�.i
<br />S.'-atut'.s., :vu vicloz"' , taX'x s, e>.ciuI Ive. io .ax%3s :i•vicd1 for deb-,.- Service or other Spec:ai ;nillai"es
<br />-ho' t:C.d by ':>al: voters, Iii produce the re.vonue equiviiert to :, millage rate of
<br />o; -;tilt; zol ::r based •� on r le ;973 tax--, values a;: certitieen, by the appraiser, pu:sL.a:a
<br />L, seccto.l 3 9s. i II�iorit:a tali:::.s, o., .:� oruer to „rowuce revenue equivalent to tihat
<br />W-,:.. would ota.•rw:se be pro; used Dysaci: a three (3) nill ad valorem: tax, to have rc-
<br />...:Vii. l t' .o Section l._..1.01(6)(a/, i lorida Statutes, or
<br />a::i occapati0f L.' I:4. iiSC tax .3i a ut: i.y tax, ievied ars ad valorem tax, or received
<br />rive: ue rd}ait aily %.ci .ii.liatAVAA V1 ta.L i, . )-G sc"m.es.
<br />..r,lontila.tt. , , and if applicable, with Section..f i'MCo:.li te �;-�c %t)'io,
<br />ni.iialCS:ib amenued o 'l': ji;.1' 62-,454, laws of Floritia.
<br />a .:.:iAeti tilt perso,i, tri ilk ::I1%i. y .15 +uiiLe diitic: iti, :t� uL:liil;l. ,n C11apter 43, 1-to:;cla
<br />S.at:inlcot toe quaiificatioas for employment as established by the Police Standards
<br />JUN 16 1982
<br />4—A
<br />