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J U L 141982 ��K 50', pF�')r. 527 <br />-e <br />Commissioner,Fletcher entered the meeting at 8:00 <br />o'clock P.M. a <br />Commissioner Lyons inquired about the statement that <br />they had increased viewing time 8%, and Mr. Vickers - <br />explained that when they made cable changes, they put on <br />satellite programs which provide roughly another 6 hours per <br />day. They took the total hours each station was on the air <br />and divided by the total number of channels to come up with <br />the hours per day. <br />Commissioner Fletcher asked if all lines are purchased <br />to complete the approximately 1,000 ft. of additional wiring <br />they had planned for the Wabasso/Gifford area. <br />Mr. Vickers stated that what they were doing at that <br />time was laying out areas where they knew they had problems. <br />He reviewed the information previously presented about where <br />improvements had been made and stated that what he has left <br />for the rest of this year is roughly 10,000' of trunk and <br />10,000' of feeder cable; this is mainly for system upgrade <br />and to maintain reliability. In some places they will be <br />replacing only trunk and in some places trunk and feeder at <br />the same time. <br />Chairman Scurlock asked if anyone present wished to be <br />heard. <br />Fred Goldberg of Breezy Village objected to this <br />meeting being held at a time when many mobile home owners <br />have gone north for the summer. He complained that the <br />reception is poor, and although they do receive some <br />service, all they say is "what can we do about it." He was <br />opposed to the requested raise, which he felt was consider- <br />able <br />onsiderable because he did not feel he gets the service he already <br />pays for. Mr. Goldberg also objected to the fact that Jones <br />Intercable had the two TV's on display turned on and playing <br />without sound during this hearing, which he felt was a <br />psychological move on their part. <br />18 <br />