AUG 101992 aox 50 %j 6S3
<br />look at it, and to inform Mrs. Blanton that we cannot
<br />guarantee anything.
<br />The Board considered the following letter from Mr.
<br />Caldwell:
<br />Cplli .s, Brown, Caldwell & Carter
<br />PAUL D. BURCH • 1934 • 1976
<br />X
<br />Mr. Don Scurlock, Chairmen
<br />Board of County Commissif?ners
<br />Indian River County
<br />1840 25th Street _.
<br />Vero Beach, Florida
<br />Dear Chairman Scurlock:
<br />Re: July 27th, 1982 Meeting Land
<br />Use Plan: LD -2 Designation of
<br />South U.S. #1 Property
<br />I am writing to you as Chairman.of the County Comanission to again
<br />ask that the County Commission designate property which L own on the east side
<br />of South U.S. #1 across ,From the entrance to Vero Highlands, as part of a
<br />commerical node, or alternately, on the map with comrexcial zoning.
<br />In that regard, I am enclosing a copy of my January 20, 1981 letter to then
<br />County Planner David Reever and its attachments, together with excerpts from a
<br />Special Meeting of the County Commission on October 5, 1981 indicating that the
<br />property would be included in the neighborhood comtttarcial node. From my
<br />reading of the language of the Plan, it appears that I would be able to obtain
<br />a neighborhood use, but if I interpret the Code correctly, it would have to be
<br />a minimum of two acres. My property ownership constitutes approximately 51000
<br />square feet, or.approxinPately 1.2 acres. The attachments to my letter to Dave
<br />Reever shows my property and its relationship to surrounding property and uses.
<br />From a review of the Land Use Njap it appears that this inter-
<br />section which is one of the few, if not the only intersection in the County,
<br />on U.S. #1 where the intersecting street crosses the FEC tracks, that there is
<br />not an industrial, commercial or commrcial/industrial node. I appreciate the
<br />planning staff and the County Commission not wanting to mark up the map to
<br />reflect individual situations; however, with the existing uses abutting the
<br />west right of way of U.S. #1, the e-xisting comnarcial uses on the north and
<br />south of my boundaries and the mobile homes park on my east boundary, there is
<br />no other use but commercial; however, it seems that the working of the plan
<br />would require me, even though I am zoned commercial now, to somehow become a
<br />neighborhood commercial to comply'with that section and also somehow obtain an
<br />additional 3/4 of an acre to make the minimum neighborhood commercial node.
<br />If the intersection were; to be designated with a node, or if the map itself is
<br />recolored at this intersection to authorize commercial use, it would be
<br />10
<br />•
<br />O P.O. BOX 3696
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<br />Re: July 27th, 1982 Meeting Land
<br />Use Plan: LD -2 Designation of
<br />South U.S. #1 Property
<br />I am writing to you as Chairman.of the County Comanission to again
<br />ask that the County Commission designate property which L own on the east side
<br />of South U.S. #1 across ,From the entrance to Vero Highlands, as part of a
<br />commerical node, or alternately, on the map with comrexcial zoning.
<br />In that regard, I am enclosing a copy of my January 20, 1981 letter to then
<br />County Planner David Reever and its attachments, together with excerpts from a
<br />Special Meeting of the County Commission on October 5, 1981 indicating that the
<br />property would be included in the neighborhood comtttarcial node. From my
<br />reading of the language of the Plan, it appears that I would be able to obtain
<br />a neighborhood use, but if I interpret the Code correctly, it would have to be
<br />a minimum of two acres. My property ownership constitutes approximately 51000
<br />square feet, or.approxinPately 1.2 acres. The attachments to my letter to Dave
<br />Reever shows my property and its relationship to surrounding property and uses.
<br />From a review of the Land Use Njap it appears that this inter-
<br />section which is one of the few, if not the only intersection in the County,
<br />on U.S. #1 where the intersecting street crosses the FEC tracks, that there is
<br />not an industrial, commercial or commrcial/industrial node. I appreciate the
<br />planning staff and the County Commission not wanting to mark up the map to
<br />reflect individual situations; however, with the existing uses abutting the
<br />west right of way of U.S. #1, the e-xisting comnarcial uses on the north and
<br />south of my boundaries and the mobile homes park on my east boundary, there is
<br />no other use but commercial; however, it seems that the working of the plan
<br />would require me, even though I am zoned commercial now, to somehow become a
<br />neighborhood commercial to comply'with that section and also somehow obtain an
<br />additional 3/4 of an acre to make the minimum neighborhood commercial node.
<br />If the intersection were; to be designated with a node, or if the map itself is
<br />recolored at this intersection to authorize commercial use, it would be
<br />10
<br />