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SEC. 5 completed71r 6 <br />(C) BUILDING HEIGHT LIMIT. No building or structure shall exceed <br />t rty- ive 3 eet, exclusive of elevator shafts and/or <br />air conditioning condensing units and/or cooling towers and <br />except as provided in Section 25, paragraphs (A) and (P) of <br />this Ordinance. <br />(D) MINIMUM LOT SIZE AND FLOOR AREA REQUIRED. For the following <br />specific uses, every lot or parcel of land on which a living <br />quarters is located shall provide a living quarters and a <br />land area of at least the amount indicated: <br />Square feet area of Square feet of land <br />living quarters per area required per <br />Dwelling Type (family) unit (family).unit <br />Single family <br />one story: 1,600 <br />two story: first floor 1,000 1 acre <br />Total 1,600 <br />Guest cottages 400 each <br />In computing the floor space as required above, the areas <br />occupied by porches, patios, terraces, attached garages, <br />carports, covered parking spaces or non -roofed areas shall <br />be excluded. <br />The minimum width of any lot used for a single family dwell- <br />ing shall be one hundred and fifty (150) feet. <br />(E) LOT COVERAGE. Principal and accessory buildings shall occupy <br />` not more than twenty (20%) percent of the lot area, exclusive <br />of swimming pools. <br />(F) FRONT YARD. Every lot shall have a front yard or street yard <br />of not less than fifty (50') feet in depth. <br />(G) REAR YARD. Every lot shall have a rear yard of not less than <br />tharty 30') feet in depth. <br />(H) SIDE YARDS. There shall be provided a total side yard of <br />eighty (80') feet but no one side yard shall be less than <br />twenty (201) feet in width. <br />(I) PARKING REGULATIONS. Off-street parking spaces shall be pro- <br />vided in accordance with the requirements for specific uses <br />as set forth in Section 24 of this Ordinance. <br />Section 6. R-lAA SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT: <br />(A) USES PERMITTED. In this district a building or premises may <br />be used only for the following purposes: <br />(1) Single family dwellings <br />(2) Non-commercial nurseries and greenhouses <br />(3) Parks and playgrounds owned or operated by the County, <br />State or Federal governments or by the property owners <br />within a development or by civic organizations, or sim- <br />ilar non-profit groups or agencies <br />(4) Stables for non-commercial uses constructed not closer <br />than one hundred (100) feet from any property line <br />(5) Accessory uses and structures customarily associated <br />with and subordinate to the above uses subject to the <br />conditions expressed in Section 25, sub -paragraph (G) <br />(B) SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS. The following uses may be Permitted by <br />the Boar o County Commissioners after a site plan approval <br />and recommendations have been received from the Zoning Comm- <br />ission according to Section 23. <br />(1) Guest cottages as an accessory use, country clubs and <br />golf courses, public buildings and churches. <br />(C) BUILDING AEIGIiT LIMIT. No building or structure shall ex- <br />ceed thirty -G=ive 35) feet, exclusive of elevator shafts <br />and/or air conditioning condensing units and/or cooling <br />-13- <br />