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SEC. 28 completed SEC'r'-29 <br />(C) SAVING SE: Should any section, clause, word or provision <br />of this ordinance, or application of a provision contained <br />within this ordinance be declared by the courts to be uncon- <br />stitutional or invalid, such declaration shall not affect <br />the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any part there- <br />of, other than the part or application declared to be un- <br />constitutional or invalid. <br />(D) VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: Any person, firm or corporation, <br />or anyone acting 1n behalf thereof, who shall violate or <br />fail to comply with any oc the provisions of this ordinance <br />shall be guilty of a misd•:meanor punishable as provided by <br />law. Each day after the first seven days tht a violation <br />of this ordinance is continued or permitted to exist with- <br />out correction shall constitute a separate offense. The <br />Board of County Commissioners may enforce the provisions of <br />this zoning ordinance by seeking injunctive relief or any <br />other remedies provided by law. <br />(E) EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall take effect on Sept- <br />ember 8, 1971 , when this became law <br />Section 29. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS: <br />(A) ENFORCING OFFICER. The Board of County Commissioners does <br />herewith designate the County Administrator as the employee <br />to enforce the provisions of this zoning ordinance. <br />(B) CERTIFICATE OF ZONING APPROVAL: <br />b (1) When any owner, authorized agent or contractor desires <br />to construct, enlarge, move, alter or change the use <br />of a building, or structure which is regulated by the <br />zoning ordinance, he shall first make an application <br />to the County Administrator and obtain the required <br />certificate of zoning approval thereof. <br />(2) No building shall he erected, constructed, reconstruct- <br />ed or structurally altered unless and until a certifi- <br />cate of zoning approval has been issued under the author- <br />ity of this ordinance, except as otherwise specifically <br />provided by this ordinance. The fees to be paid to the <br />County for such certificate or zoning approval shall be <br />the fees now or hereafter established by Resolution of <br />this Board and such fees as so established shall be Paid <br />prior to the issuance of any certificate. <br />(3) Ordinary minor non-structural repairs not exceeding in <br />cost of value of labor and materials the sum of $100.00 <br />may be made without a certificate of zoning approval, <br />provided that such repairs shall not violate any of the <br />provisions of said zoning ordinance. <br />(4) Every application shall contain a general description <br />of the proposed work and its location. The application <br />shall be signed by the owner or his authorized agent. <br />(S) Each application shall indicate the proposed use and <br />occupancy of all parts of the building and of that por- <br />tion of the lot, if any, not covered by the building or <br />structure and shall contain a statement of the square <br />foot area of the building or structure and the square <br />foot area of the lot and the estimated costs.or value <br />of the completed construction of said building or struct- <br />ure, and shall contain such other information as may be re- <br />quired by the County Administrator. <br />(6) There shall be attached to the application and made a <br />part thereof a plot diagram showing the location of the <br />proposed building or structure and of every existing <br />building or structure on the site. The plot plan shall <br />also show the construction details of anv drive -driveways <br />connecting the property to the public roadway. The nlot <br />plan shall be to scale and of such size as the County <br />Administrator shall require and all adjoining streets, <br />-48- <br />