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0 <br />ORDINANCE 92 - <br />Accumulations of debris, garbage, junk, trash, weeds, unserviceable <br />vehicles, dead trees posing a health or safety hazard, or other <br />noxious materials, are hereby declared a public nuisance and shall <br />be removed from all lots, parcels and tracts of landi. public or <br />private, unless otherwise permitted by the terms of this article. <br />(1) Weed clearance. The following provisions shall apply to weeds <br />as defined in Chapter 901: <br />(a) The accumulation of weeds in excess of eighteen (18) <br />inches in height is hereby prohibited on any lot, parcel <br />or tract of land which lies contiguous to a commercial or <br />residential structure and within a platted, recorded <br />subdivision where the platted lots are at a minimum of <br />fifty (50) percent developed. Agriculturally zoned land <br />and land within conservation and/or preservation <br />easements or conservation/preservation areas designated <br />on approved development plans shall be exempt from this <br />section. <br />(b) Maintenance of weeds to satisfy the eighteen inch maximum <br />height limitation which entails the grubbing (uprooting) <br />of vegetation shall be subject to the provisions of <br />Chapter 927, Tree Protection and Land Clearing, of the <br />Indian River County Land Development Code. <br />(c) The existence of untended weeds, as defined in Chapter <br />901, in excess of eighteen (18) inches in height on any <br />lot, parcel or tract of land as described in subsection <br />973.03(1)(a) shall be prima facie evidence of intent to <br />violate and of a violation of this section by the owner, <br />owners and occupant of said land. <br />(d) Upon receipt of a notice of violation of section <br />973.03(1)(a), the owner, lessee and/or tenant of the <br />involved property shall abate such violation within the <br />time specified in section 973.04 of this chapter, and <br />after such time shall be jointly and severally liable for <br />any continuation of such violation. <br />SECTION 11: <br />Section 911.15(2)(r) is hereby created, to read as follows: <br />(r) Compost piles. Compost piles are allowed to be located <br />within rearyard setback areas but may not bo located <br />within easements unless written consent jq ranted b the <br />holder of thedominant estate. <br />SECTION 12: <br />Section 912.07(1)(b)6.q. is hereby created, to read as follows: <br />iql Compost piles. Compost piles are allowed to be located <br />within rearyard setback areas but may not he located <br />within easements unless written consent is granted by the <br />holder of the dominant estate. <br />SECTION 13: <br />Section 932.07(4)(c) is hereby created, to read as follows: <br />Coding: Words in hiuked-ouL type are deletions from existing law. <br />Words underlined are additions. <br />