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twelve—month period- immediately preceding the date of <br />application. No license shall be issued in the absence <br />of such proof, which shall be by signed certificate of <br />the administering veterinarian, indicating the date of <br />nation, —tire manufac tu rer , <br />serial number of vaccine used. A certificate shall not <br />be valid for more than one animal unless clearly <br />indicated otherwise thereon by the certifying <br />veterinarian. If a dog or cat attains the age of four <br />(-4) months—fol lowing September--3-0 o_f_an"_i_uen year, <br />the owner shall have thirty (30) days thereafter in <br />which to make application for a license as required above. <br />2. Any license issued shall be valid until September 30 of <br />the following calendar year an shall be renewed by <br />repeating the above application procedure. <br />3. The board of county commissioners shall by resolution <br />adopt a schedule of fees. Said fees to be collected <br />from each applicant prior to issuance or renewal of a <br />schedule may provide a range- of fees <br />based upon r_eproducti-ce tatus-,--timelinessof <br />application, or whether the animal being licensed is a <br />dog or cat. Licensing fees are hereby waived with <br />respect to any dog serving the handicapped or <br />government-owned doa used for law enforcementuurrposes. <br />4. If an owneris seeking to have an animaF—Ficensed as a <br />neutered or spayed animal, the owner shall provide with <br />the application sufficient proof of sterilization. <br />This proof may be by means of certification of the <br />licensed veterinarian who perTormed the procedure, or <br />if not available, by opinion of an examining <br />veterinarian as to the animal's apparent reproductive <br />status, or by any other equally reliable documentary <br />evidence. Any animal certified by an examining <br />veterinarian to be e i ther permanently incapable of <br />reproduction or unsuitable for surgical sterilization, <br />by virtue of age, disease, or other infirmity, or any <br />animal under the age of one year, shall be licensed as <br />a sterilized or nonreproductive animal. <br />5. Upon proper application and payment of fees, Division <br />of Animal Control or its designated agent shall issue a <br />durable tag which bears the registration number, and <br />the year and county of issuance. The current license <br />tag together with a current rabies vaccination tag <br />shad—Ir--be a-f f iA ed— o r a-ttach a d to a du r- a b-I-e— and— we+i <br />f1tting co liar or harness and shall be worn at all <br />times by the licensed dog or cat, whenever such animal <br />is outside of the dwelling unit of its owner, whether <br />lawfully restrained or not. <br />SmeadSok Reprint Date: Friday, August 23, 2013 - 15:18:49 - OfficialDocuments:649, Attachment Id 0, Page 6 <br />