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emergency whenever he shall determine that a natural or <br />manmade disaster has occurred or that the occurrence or <br />threat of one is imminent .and requires immediate and <br />(2) During the declared emergency, the Chairman or <br />in his absence the Vice -Chairman, or in his absence the <br />Board designee, is authorized to take such action permitted <br />by law as the Board of County Commissioners could take under <br />the circumstances. <br />SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY. <br />If any section, or if any sentence, paragraph, <br />phrase, or word of this ordinance is for any reason held to <br />be unconstitutional, inoperative, or void, such holding <br />shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance, <br />and it shall be constured to have been the legislative <br />intent to pass the ordinance without such unconsittutional <br />iu u1 11-1—OLIvc Nai L. <br />SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />Thi.s ordinance shall become effective upon becoming <br />Iaw.. <br />Approved and ad_oRted by the Board of County <br />Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, on this 7th <br />day of May, 1991. <br />This ordinance was advertised in the Vero Beach <br />Press -Journal on the 12th day of April, 1991, for a public <br />heari Ing to be held on the 7th day of May, 1991, at which <br />time it was moved for adoption by Commissoner Scurlock, and <br />seconded by Commissioner _E'gger,tcand adopted by the <br />following vote: <br />Chairman Richard N. Bird Aye <br />Vice Chairman Gary C. Wheeler Aye <br />Commissioner Margaret C. Bowman Aye <br />Commissioner Don C. Scurlock, Jr. Aye <br />Commissioner Carolyn K. Eggert Aye <br />SmeadSoft Reprint Date: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 - 12:21:00 - OfficialDocument5:615, Attachment Id 0, Page 2 <br />