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i •c <br />f. Establish emergency operating centers <br />and shelters in addition to or in place of those provided <br />for in the County's Emergency Plan. <br />g, Declare that during an emergency it <br />shall be unlawful and an offense against Indian River County <br />for any person to use the fresh water supplied by the County <br />or the City of Vero Beach for any purpose other than <br />cook] ng -4 -dr i nk ng-or--bat-h-i-n <br />h. Declare that during an emergency it <br />shall be unlawful and an offense against Indian River County <br />for any person operating within the County to charge more <br />than the normal average retail price for any merchandise, <br />goods, or services sold during the emergency. The average <br />retail price at which similar merchandise, goods, or <br />services was being sold during the ninety (90) days <br />immediately preceding the emergency or at a mark-up which is <br />a larger percentage over wholesale cost than was being added <br />to wholesale cost prior to the emergency. <br />i. Confiscate merchandise, equipment, <br />vehicles or property needed to alleviate the emergency. <br />Reimbursemen-Asha-I1 -be-- i -t -h -i -n s-i-xty (-6-0)- -days and at <br />customary value charge for the items during ninety (90) days <br />previous to the emergency. <br />j. Preceding or during the emergency <br />request assistance of the National Guard or the Army, Coast <br />Guard, or other law enforcement divisions as necessary to <br />assist in the mitigation of the emergency or to help <br />maintain law and order, rescue, and traffic control. <br />k. The powers enumerated in this section <br />are illustrative and shall not be construed as a limitation <br />on authority. <br />SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY. <br />If any section, or if any sentence, paragraph, <br />phrase, or word-o-f—thas o-rda-nanc-e_-is--fo r a n y-rfa_s o n -he I_d to <br />be unconstitutional, inoperative, or void, such holding <br />shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance, <br />SmeadSoft Reprint Date: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 - T:22:33 - OfficialDocument5:616, Attachment Id 0, Page 2 <br />