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6/19/90.1(Code)Legal(Vk) <br />of great integrity and shall be proficient in modern <br />secretarial and administrative technologies and be able to <br />deal effectively with the general public, The Executive <br />Aide to the Comm iss1on shall be responsible for the <br />administration of the office and staff and when necessary <br />shall promote, suspend, demote or dismiss any <br />employee in the office of the Executive Aide to the <br />Commission in accordance with the personnel rules of the <br />county. The Executive Aide shall aid the Commission and its <br />individual members on a day to day basis in conducting the <br />business of the Commission. The Executive Aide to the <br />Commission shall have such other duties as the Commission <br />may designate. The Executive Aide to the Commission shall <br />prepare an annual budget for the operation of the office and <br />shall -submit this budget to the Administrator for inclusion <br />in the annual county budget. <br />Section 101,08 Board - Employee Relationship <br />Except as proviclecrim- Sect 7on 1-0-1 03 neither the Board -nor <br />any of its members shall in any manner dictate the <br />appointment or removal of any County employee nor shall the <br />Board or any of its members give orders or directions to any <br />County employee. The Board or its members shall proceed on <br />all matters through the appropriate Count -y o-f#-i-cr_—Nothing <br />in' this section shall preclude a Board member from <br />communicating with a County employee for the purpose of <br />i nqu i -r -or i n f o rma tf-on. <br />5 <br />SmeadSok Reprint Date: Monday, August 12, 2013 - 15:19:16 - OfficialDocuments:668, Attachment Id 0, Page 7 <br />