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r 10/5/90.2(Code)Legal(Ob) <br />the premises, to expose to public view his or her <br />genitals, pubic 'area, buttocks, anus, or anal <br />c I ef t or c I eavag ev-ice- or <br />covering which is intended to give the appearance <br />of or simulate the genitals, pubic area, <br />buttocks, anus or anal cleft or cleavage. <br />Section i 300. ^� -07. PossesS+on�o-f 6�n�LT2EL-On in nub <br />proFl ted. <br />(1) It is unlawful for any person to possess or consume <br />any alcoholic beverages in any cup, glass, or open can, or <br />other open or unsealed container, on the streets, sidewalks, <br />alleys, parks, vacant lots, or in places solely licensed to <br />vend alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises <br />within the unincorporated areas of Indian River County. <br />(2) It shall be unlawful for any person occupying a <br />motor vehicle that is driven, stoppea, stanaing.or parKea on <br />any public street, road, highway, alley, or other public <br />right-of-way within the uncorporated areas of Indian River <br />County to possess or consume any alcoholic beverages in or <br />from any cup, glass, open can, open boffle or other open <br />(3) With respect to possession of open containers of <br />alcoholic beverages in vehicles, the provisions of state law <br />all l supersede and—c rmt-rol the prov i s+or}s o#--t-is--Co-cle <br />5 <br />SmeadSoft Reprint Date: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 - 11:59:34 - OfficialDocuments:602, Attachment Id 1, Page 7 <br />