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Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvements Element <br />Table 6.1 shows that local sales surtax revenue represented 5.09% of all funds collected by Indian <br />River County in FY 2007/08. Figure 6.6 displays the Local Discretionary Sales Surtax revenue <br />received by Indian River County over the last six fiscal years. This local revenue source increased by <br />17.43% over that period. <br />Distribution of surtax proceeds is based on the specifics of an interlocal agreement or through a <br />formula based on population. In Indian River County, Local Infrastructure Surtax revenue is <br />distributed to county government and municipal governments through a formula based on <br />population. <br />Twenty-one of the sixty-seven Florida counties levy a Local Government Infrastructure Surtax. <br />Within Indian River County's region, Brevard, Palm Beach, and St. Lucie counties do not levy the <br />surtax, while Martin County levies a 0.5% infrastructure surtax. Okeechobee County is eligible to <br />levy the infrastructure surtax, but instead levies a Small County Surtax of I%, which is another local <br />discretionary sales surtax. <br />• Tourist Development Tax <br />Any county in the state may, subject to a <br />vote of the citizenry, impose a Tourist <br />Development Tax. The transient rental <br />trade is the primary base for the levy of the <br />tourist tax. Any lodging agreement for six <br />months or less is subject to the tax. <br />Generally, the tourist tax levy is one or two <br />percent. Counties, however, may set an <br />additional one percent above the original <br />tax through an extraordinary vote of the <br />governing board or by referendum. <br />Currently, Indian River County imposes the <br />original two percent tourist tax as well as an <br />additional one percent tax. Sixty Florida <br />counties out of sixty-seven total counties <br />currently levy a tourist tax. Of those sixty Source: Indian River County Finance Department <br />counties, forty-two counties, including <br />Indian River County, impose an additional one percent tourist tax. <br />Table 6.2 displays the tourist taxes imposed in counties that are geographically proximate to Indian <br />River County. Compared to neighboring counties, Indian River County imposes a similar level of <br />tourist taxes. Brevard, Palm Beach, and St. Lucie Counties have the highest tourist tax levy of the <br />Community Development Department Indian River County <br />Supplement #_; Adopted November _, 2009, Ordinance 2009-_ 7 <br />