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L] <br />1 <br />1 <br />TUESDAY,, JANUARY 6th 1931. <br />-The Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian River County, Florida, mete at <br />t ie Court Housea '• o� Beach, Florida, at 10 o'clock A.keTuesday, January 6th 19319 <br />with the following members presenting their commissions from the Governor of Florida, <br />as such: J. D. Yongue, First District; J. W. LLB ruce, Second District; J. J. P. Hamil- <br />ton, Third District; Eli C. Walker, Fourth District and Albert 0. Helseth,.-Fifth <br />District. Also present were Miles Warren, Clerk and Clark S. Rice, Sheriff. <br />It was moved, seconded and carried that ,Albert 0. Heleeth, be named Chairman of <br />this Board until further orders. <br />C. P. Diamond was selected as Attorney for the Board at a salary of $40.00 per <br />month. <br />It was moved, seconded and carried that the County Nurse be dropped from the pay <br />roll. Upon being put to a vote the following voted: Yea: Com'rs. Walker, Yongue and <br />Hamilton. No. LaBruce and Helseth. <br />It was moved, seconded and carried that the County Agricultural Agent be dropped <br />from the pay roll of the County. Upon being put to a vote the following voted: Yea: <br />Rom'rs Walker, Yongue and Hamilton. No. truce and Helseth. <br />It was moved, seconded and carried that the Traffic Officer be discontinued. <br />Upon being put to a vote the following voted: Yea:, Com'rs. Walker, Yongue and Hamilton. <br />No. LaB ruce and Helseth. <br />State Attorney, Angus Sumner, appeared before- the Board regarding the jury list <br />to be selected for the year 1931. <br />It was moved, seconded and carried that Chas Kersey be named as Road Superintendent <br />at a salary of $-125..00 per month. <br />Moved, seconded and carried that the guar at the jail be set at $75.00 per month. <br />Moved, seconded and carried that the County Judge be paid the sum of $50.00 per. <br />month, -as judge of the Juvenile Court. <br />It was moved, seconded and carried that the Clerk be paid $100.00 as Clerk to this <br />Board and Auditor. <br />o <br />It was moved, seconded and carried that all Bridge Tenders salary be set at $75.,00 <br />per month to be paid from the respective Bridge Districts. <br />It was moved, seconded and carried that the application for the Sheriff to use the <br />motorcycle and place the prz former Traffic Officer on duty on the highways out of the <br />Sheriff's office be refused. <br />The tom:;° a,rri�ved for the opening of sealed bids for the purchase of gasoline <br />for the year 1931, the Clerk opened and read the several bids offered. After fairly <br />considering the several bids, it was moved, seconded and carried that the bid of :Stand- <br />a.rd Oil Company of Kentucky be accepted for 12 months at, a price of 2.e per gallon below <br />the tank wagon price and 30% discount on oils. <br />The County .Agricultural Agent filed his monthly report of activities. <br />The mother's Pension application of Daisy Neal Barker, Wabasso, having been <br />rejected for endorsement by the County Nurse, same was rejected by the Board. <br />It was ordered that the County Nurse car be delivered to the tool house, but in the <br />event the School Board desires to continue the Nurse to advise them that such Board will <br />have to compensate this Board for the value of the oar. <br />It vaas moved, seconded and carried that all scale of wages on Road department remain <br />the same as heretofore, except the Foreman to be paid 40X per hour and the machine <br />operatot at -a salary of $100.00 per month. <br />