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ORDINANCE 2009- 017 <br />C. The project deficiencies that are the subject of the suspension request are found <br />to be minor in nature and extent, and are found to be correctable within a <br />timeframe not to exceed 90 days. <br />d. The suspension timeframe is specified in writing and does not exceed 90 days <br />from the date of the suspension. <br />e. The corrective action(s) is specified in writing and found to be sufficient to <br />bring the development project into compliance upon completion. <br />f. The project developer and owner agree to the specified suspension timeframe <br />and the obligation to complete the specified corrective action(s) within the <br />specified timeframe. <br />(C) Procedures for approval by the county administrator or his designee. The applicant may <br />apply to the planning division for a temporary suspension by filing a temporary <br />suspension application form provided by the planning division. The county administrator <br />or his designee shall act on any temporary appr-eved suspension request within 2 business <br />days of receiving the request. For each temporary suspension of compliance determination, <br />staff shall provide notice of sueh the determination decision in writing to the project <br />owner, project developer, and Bboard of Ecounty Ecommissioners. Each suspension <br />determination granting approval shall specify the maximum duration of the suspension, <br />required mitigation and/or corrective action(s), and any condition(s) attached to the <br />suspension. <br />(D) Procedure for referral or appeal to the Board of County Commissioners. The project owner, <br />or project developer, may appeal a decision of the county administrator or his designee to the <br />board of county commissioners within 10 days of the mailing of the written determination <br />referenced in sub -section (C) above. Each appeal shall be accompanied by a fee established <br />by resolution of the Bboard of Ecounty Ecommissioners. <br />The county administrator or his designee may refer a request to the board of county <br />commissioners. Any referral or appeal shall be: <br />(1) Made in writing to the chairman of the board of county commissioners with a copy <br />provided to the project developer, project owner, county administrator (if an <br />appeal), and Bboard of Ecounty Ecommissioners. Upon receipt of a referral or <br />appeal, the chairman shall call a meeting of the board of county commissioners as <br />soon as practicable to conduct a hearing on the suspension request, subject to the <br />requirements of sub -sections (D)(2) and (3) below. <br />(2) Noticed at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing via written notice of the hearing <br />mailed to each owner of property adjacent to the development project site. The notice <br />shall contain the name of the applicant, a description of the appeal/temporary <br />suspension request and the development project location, as well as the date, time, and <br />place of the hearing. <br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance 2 <br />Strike thfough: Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />F:\Community Development\Users\CurDev\ORDINANCE\2009\2009-_ 902 perex after BCC.RTF <br />