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ORDINANCE NO. 2012 - 001 <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: <br />Section 1. Enactment Authority. <br />Article VIII, section 1 of the Florida Constitution and chapter 125, Florida Statutes vest <br />broad home rule powers in counties to enact ordinances, not inconsistent with general or special <br />law, for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the <br />county. The Board specifically determines that the enactment of this ordinance is not <br />inconsistent with general or special law, and is necessary and appropriate to promote the health, <br />safety and welfare of the residents of Indian River County. <br />Section 2. Findings. <br />The Board finds that the above "Whereas" clauses are true and correct, and hereby <br />incorporates such clauses as findings of the Board <br />Section 3. Amendment of Section 201.08(J)(4) of the Code. <br />Section 201.08(J)(4) of the Code of Indian River County, Florida, is hereby amended to <br />read as follows (new language indicated by underline, and deleted language indicated by <br />str- koto,,.,,,,g ): <br />"(4) Delinquency charge. County shall charge an additional efo dollars and fifty <br />ee„ts ($1.50) two dollars ($2.00) plus one and one-half (1 1/2) percent interest <br />monthly (collectively "delinquency charges") on all outstanding balances <br />including assessments, fees, charges, and other fees due (collectively"underlying <br />charges") if payment is not made in taW full by each payment deadline date; <br />provided however, that the Utilities Director may waive some or all delinquency <br />charges in connection with the reactivation of service of an existing account, <br />where (i) payment in full of all underlying charges and delinquency charges <br />would work a hardship to the customer, and such waiver is determined to be in the <br />best interests of the County, and (ii) such waiver results in the immediate payment <br />in full of all underlying chargees and any delinquency charges which are not <br />waived. <br />With respect to service availability charges which (i) are based on the ownershi <br />of one or more ERUs which are reserved for future use but for which there has <br />been no past or present use or consumption of services, and (ii) are unpaid as of <br />February 14 2012 such delinquency charges shall be waived if the unpaid service <br />availability charges are paid in total at any time between February 14, 2012 and <br />March 31. 2012. This waiver_ shall include delinquency charges, as set forth in <br />Resolution 91-31." <br />