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Policy 7.7: Indian River County acknowledges the environmental importance of the prime aquifer <br />recharge areas shown on Figure 2.29. The county shall regulate the development of these areas. <br />Regulations include an overlay district which restricts land uses, implements special siting <br />requirements for septic tanks to mitigate soil drainage characteristics, and regulates other factors <br />which impact the recharge capability of the land. <br />Policy 7.8: The county shall protect public water supply wells by prohibiting the placement of <br />septic systems; stormwater retention/detention areas; wastewater treatment plant effluent <br />discharges, including but not limited to percolation ponds, surface water discharge, spray <br />irrigation, and drainfields; sanitary landfills, feed lots and other concentrated animal facilities; <br />mining and excavation activities; and the handling, production, and storage of regulated substances <br />within wellfield cones of influence. <br />Policy 7.9: Consistent with the Potable Water Sub -Element, the county shall continue to extend the <br />county water system, enabling the acquisition of small public water systems, thereby reducing the <br />number of residents using the shallow aquifer, which is subject to groundwater pollution threats. <br />Policy 7.10: Through the use of fee simple purchase, transfer of development rights, and <br />conservation easements, Indian River County shall coordinate with other state, federal and local <br />agencies to identify and protect vegetative communities identified in Conservation Element <br />policies 6.1 through 6.7. <br />Policy 7.11: The county, in cooperation with the local Environmental Health Department, shall <br />continue to regulate the siting of septic tanks including siting requirements to mitigate soil <br />characteristics. <br />OBJECTIVE 8: PROTECTION OF HISTORIC RESOURCES <br />Through 2015, at least 95% of unincorporated Indian River County's historic properties <br />(as identified in "Historic Properties Survey of Indian River County, Florida", prepared by <br />Historic Property Associates, Inc., April 1989) will continue to be preserved in fair, good, <br />or excellent condition. <br />Policy 8.1: The HisterieReseufees Advisory Committee The county historian and, as needed, <br />outside consultants and experts shall provide guidance and advice to the Board of County <br />Commissioners on matters concerning historic and archaeological preservation. Committee <br />review!members shall represent a broad base of eetinty in4er-ests and have interest in and knowledge -of <br />histor-io maRer-s. The eetmniaee shall meet on an ad hoe basis to The county historian <br />shall be consulted for recommendations concerning: <br />• proposed changes to county regulations protecting historic and archaeological <br />resources; and <br />Future Land Use Element 164 <br />