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Appendix "A" <br />Comprehensive Plan Stormwater Management Sub -Element <br />➢ development within the Vero Lake Estates Municipal Services Taxing Unit (MSTU) <br />for which a cut and fill waiver has been granted by the county. <br />Polio The county will preserve the natural functions and values of wetlands by <br />implementing the policies listed under Objective 5 of the Conservation Element. <br />OBJECTIVE 6 Recharge of the Surficial Aquifer <br />Consistent with Objective 2 of the Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Sub -element, there <br />will be no reduction in the availability of groundwater from the surficial aquifer through 2030. <br />Polices The county will continue to require on-site retention/detention in accordance with <br />SJRWMD and FDEP performance standards, as outlined in the Stormwater Management and <br />Flood Protection ordinance. <br />Polio The county will continue to require reuse of stormwater runoff for irrigation of <br />golf courses and other developments with wet detention/retention ponds with a surface area <br />greater than one acre. <br />Policy 6.3: By 2012, the county shall explore the feasibility of developing stormwater parks <br />in the unincorporated county to recharge the surficial aquifer. <br />OBJECTIVE 7 Stormwater Quality <br />Consistent with state law DCA Rule 9i 5.011(2)(e)(5), the county shall maintain Water Quality <br />Level of Service (WQLOS) based on Pollutant Load Reduction Goals (PLRGs) established by <br />the SJRWMD for the Indian River Lagoon and, when available, based on Total Maximum <br />Daily Load (TMDL) standards established for the Lagoon. <br />Policy 7. The county shall cooperate with the IRLNEP, SJRWMD, FDEP, DHRS, Marine <br />Resources Council (MRC), and other organizations in conducting an inventory pollutant <br />loadings to the Indian River Lagoon (IRL). <br />Polio The county will reduce the loading of suspended solids within stormwater runoff <br />by paving unpaved county roads within developed areas where the roads' drainage systems <br />discharge into the IRL. <br />Policy 7.3: The county will continue to require applicants for land clearing permits to submit <br />erosion control plans. <br />Policy 7.4: The County will continue to operate a street sweeping program for county roads. <br />Community Development Department Indian River County 45 <br />