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Appendix "A" <br />Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvements Element <br />are quantitative, such as adopting land development requirements, which ensure the maintenance of <br />the level -of -service standards, adopting a capacity monitoring system and others. Besides the <br />measures, table 6.22 also identifies timeframes associated with meeting the objectives. <br />The Planning Department staff will be responsible for monitoring and evaluating the Capital <br />Improvement Element. This will involve collection of data and compilation of information regarding <br />facility capacity, expansion, and new development permitted. This will be done on a regular basis. <br />As part of the county's Concurrency Management System, the Planning Department will continually <br />monitor the facility capacity to ensure that level -of -service standards will be maintained. <br />Table 6.22: Capital Improvements Element Evaluation Matrix <br />Objective <br />Measure <br />Timeframe <br />1 <br />Existing deficiencies in county services and/or obsolete or worn-out facilities <br />2015 <br />2 <br />Land use density and intensity in Coastal High Hazard Area <br />2030 <br />3 <br />Level -of -service provided for county services <br />2030 <br />4 <br />Existence of appropriate Land Development Regulations <br />2030 <br />5 <br />Completion of the Schedule of Capital Improvements <br />2030 <br />While monitoring will occur on a continual basis, formal evaluation of the Capital Improvements <br />Element will occur annually. The formal evaluation and appraisal of the entire Comprehensive Plan <br />will occur every ten years (dependent upon the schedule adopted by the Florida Department of <br />Community Affairs). Besides assessing progress, the evaluation and appraisal process will also be <br />used to determine whether the Capital Improvements Element objectives should be modified or <br />expanded based on revisions to state statutes and changing conditions not identified and addressed as <br />part of the annual CIE update. In this way, the monitoring and evaluation of the Capital <br />Improvements Element will not only provide a means of determining the degree of success of the <br />plan's implementation; it will also provide a mechanism for evaluating needed changes to the plan <br />element not otherwise addressed in the yearly update of the Capital Improvements Element. <br />As discussed in the above paragraphs, the evaluation and monitoring procedures identified for the <br />Capital Improvements Element are basically the same for the entire Comprehensive Plan. These <br />procedures are etiffently being have been used in the past to prepare the feel county's Evaluation <br />and Appraisal Report and will be used by the county in subsequent Evaluation and Appraisal Reports. <br />hieluded in those proeedures are the for -mat requirements listed in 9i 5.005 (1)(a)(e), F.A.C. <br />The monitoring and evaluation of this plan is critical to ensure that the policies are effective in <br />achieving the plan's goals and objectives. Each individual element of the plan contains provisions and <br />measures to be used in the review of the element. Each element contains an Implementation and <br />Community Development Department Indian River County <br />Adopted November 2, 2010, Ordinance 2010-024 <br />64 <br />