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Appendix "A" <br />Comprehensive Plan Coastal Management Element <br />Policy 9.3: The county shall provide developers with incentives, such as transfer of <br />development rights, tax incentives and others, in return for preserving historic resources. <br />Policy 9.4: The county shall require developments which include historical resource sites to <br />submit archaeological surveys prior to commencing construction activities. Developers shall <br />be required to preserve these resources while maintaining a reasonable use of the land. <br />Policy 9.5: The county shall recognize and properly manage its historical resources by <br />implementing Objective 8 of the Future Land Use Element. <br />Policy 9.6: By 2012, the county will develop management plans for the following scenic/ <br />historic roads: Fellsmere Grade, Quay Dock Road, Old Winter Beach Road, and Gifford Dock <br />Road. <br />OBJECTIVE 10 Infrastructure in the Coastal Zone <br />Through 2030, the level of service (LOS) for traffic circulation, recreational facilities, <br />stormwater management, and potable water and sewer service in the coastal zone of Indian <br />River County will be consistent with the LOS standards set forth in the concurrency section of <br />the Capital Improvements Element. <br />Policy 10.1: C.,._sist__: with DCA Rule 9i c n, 2(3)(ev4) +The county shall identify and assess <br />all infrastructure located within the CHHA to determine its vulnerability. This vulnerability <br />assessment will based on data from FIRMS, The Arbiter of Storms (TAOS) computer model, <br />and the Sea, Lake, and Overland Surges from Hurricanes (SLOSH) map. Any decision to <br />abandon or relocate infrastructure outside the CHHA following a natural disaster will be based <br />on a benefit -cost analysis of vulnerable infrastructure. This benefit -cost analysis will be <br />included in the Local Mitigation Strategy, once completed. <br />Policy 0_2: The county shall coordinate with all state and federal agencies in the funding and <br />implementing of beach stabilization projects. <br />Policy 10.3: Indian River County shall permit the utilization of local funds for shoreline <br />stabilization and beach renourishment projects. Priority shall be given to those projects which <br />demonstrate the best benefit -cost ratio while having the least impact to the offshore reef, and <br />the nearshore beach and dune ecological communities <br />Policy 10_4: The county shall not allow new underground storage tanks or septic facilities to be <br />located oceanward of the county's Dune Stabilization Setback Line (DSSL). <br />Policy 10.5: The county shall maintain the standards, phasing and funding of infrastructure in <br />the coastal zone, as set forth in the Transportation Element, and the Natural Groundwater <br />Aquifer Recharge, Sanitary Sewer, Potable Water and Stormwater Management Sub -Elements <br />of the Indian River County Comprehensive Plan. <br />Community Development Department Indian River County 56 <br />