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Appendix "A" <br />Comprehensive Plan Introductory Element <br />community to may use its own projections, or BEBR low or high series projections, provided <br />sufficient documentation or analysis is provided justifying the choice. <br />For Indian River County, BEBR medium series projections are shown in Table 1.14 and constitute <br />the population projections used in this plan. These projections reflect an average annual growth rate <br />of 1.51% through the year 2030. This is a reduced growth rate from previous yearly BEBR <br />projections. This lower growth rate reflects the recent collapse of the housing market and the <br />lingering effects of the worst economic crisis since the 1930s. <br />In the future, most growth will come to the County from the south and north. Because of an <br />increasing scarcity of developable land, population is moving northward into Indian River County in <br />search of housing and land. To the north, the "baby boom" generation is reaching retirement age, <br />and many of these retirees are moving to sunbelt states, including to Florida. <br />As a traditionally agricultural area, Indian River County has a large mass of available vacant land <br />that can accommodate growth from the south and growth from the north. This, coupled with a large <br />inventory of existing platted lots within the county, including existing platted lots dating back to the <br />1950s and 1960s, indicates that there will continue to be available space for future population <br />growth. <br />TABLE 1.14 <br />POPULATION PROJECTIONS -INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />2010 <br />2015 <br />2020 <br />1 2025 <br />j 2030 <br />BEBR <br />142,300 <br />155,000 <br />169,300 <br />1 183,400 <br />j 196,900 <br />Source: University of Florida, BE13K, MICI-Kange rrojections /-uuy <br />As with any projection, the probability of error increases as the projection horizon year is extended. <br />It is also difficult to make assumptions about a population 20 years in the future. <br />Because of the importance of migration to the growth of Indian River County, the county's growth is <br />affected by the many economic, social, and political factors at the local, state, regional, national, and <br />global level that impact the decisions of individuals or businesses to relocate to the county. <br />An examination of county, regional and state projections reveals that several factors should be <br />considered in preparing projections. The assumption which forms the basis of these projections is <br />that present demographic trends will continue. These trends include a continued reliance on in - <br />migration for population growth and a resulting influx of many retirees. <br />Since the 1950s, birth rates in the U.S. have declined and are expected to continue to decline. This <br />will result in slower U.S. population growth with an aging of the population. Those over 65, <br />Community Development Department Indian River County <br />21 <br />