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Ordinance No. 2014-020 <br />Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvements Element <br />➢ Promotion of compact development by discouraging growth outside of urban service <br />areas; <br />➢ Demonstration of linkages between projected growth and facility location; <br />➢ Utilization of the economies of scale and timing of other improvements; <br />➢ Reduction of operating costs; <br />➢ Adjustment for unseen opportunities, situations, and disasters. <br />Policy 1.4: The county shall implement the policies of the Potable Water, Sanitary Sewer, and Solid <br />Waste sub -elements of the Comprehensive Plan. Since these are enterprise account funded elements, <br />capital expenditures identified in these elements shall be funded principally from revenues derived <br />from the applicable systems. <br />Policy 1.5: The county shall prioritize and implement the programs identified in the Transportation, <br />Recreation and Open Space, Stormwater Management, Conservation, and Future Land Use Elements <br />of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />Policy 1.6: The county shall not eliminate or reallocate budgeted appropriations for road <br />improvement projects required to meet the adopted level -of -service standards unless the applicable <br />projects will be constructed by other means and remain concurrent with the county's Schedule of <br />Capital Improvements. <br />Policy 1.7: The county shall continue to allocate funds for the replacement and the renewal of <br />infrastructure in an amount which will minimize the operating costs of the infrastructure and <br />maximize the life of the infrastructure. <br />Policy 1.8: The county shall manage its long-term general obligation debt in such a manner that the <br />ratio of the debt service millage to the countywide operating millage does not exceed 20%. <br />Policy 1.9: The county hereby defines a capital improvement as an improvement with a cost that <br />exceeds $100,000. <br />Policy 1.10: The Schedule of Capital Improvements shall contain a mix of capital expenditures, <br />including projects to eliminate existing deficiencies, to upgrade and replace existing facilities, and to <br />construct new facilities. <br />Policy 1.11: The county shall maintain a procedure in its annual budget review requiring each county <br />department to include in its annual budget request applicable expenditures as identified in the capital <br />improvements program of the appropriate Comprehensive Plan Element as well as department's <br />capital improvements. <br />Community Development Department Indian River County <br />Adopted , 2014, Ordinance 2014- <br />52 <br />