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Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvements Element <br />waste, public schools, fire/ems, parks and recreation, correctional facilities, law enforcement, <br />libraries, and public buildings. In 2009, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) voted to suspend <br />five of the nine impact fees for a period of six months. Their intent in doing so was to help encourage <br />development during the economic recession. Since then, the BCC has maintained the suspension of at <br />least three of the impact fees. The current impact fee suspension time period ends on March 31, 2014. <br />In October 1999, the county's water and sewer impact fees were reclassified as capacity charges. A <br />capacity charge is a fee charged to the direct beneficiaries of water and sewer improvements in order <br />to fund the capital cost incurred by the water and wastewater utility to provide capacity to serve new <br />utility customers. <br />Enterprise Funds <br />Enterprise funds are used to account for operations financed and operated in a manner similar to <br />private businesses, when the intent of the governing body is that the full costs of providing the service <br />to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges. <br />Currently, the County operates its solid waste services, golf course facility, building division services, <br />and utility services as enterprise funds. <br />As a tool for affecting the timing and location of development, user charges maybe designated to vary <br />with the quantity and location of the service provided. Thus, charges could be greater for providing <br />services further from urban areas and less for distances closer to urban areas. In this way, user <br />charges could affect the economics of development locating further away from urban areas. <br />Analysis <br />The analysis section of this element assesses the County's historic and projected revenue and <br />expenditure patterns to determine the County's fiscal ability to provide adequate capital <br />improvements. Those capital improvements have been identified in other comprehensive plan <br />elements and are needed to meet the demands of existing and future development. <br />As part of this analysis, revenue and expenditure projections are identified and analyzed, and a fiscal <br />assessment of needs (costs) versus projected available revenue is included. <br />Analysis of the Timing and Location of Capital Improvements <br />Objectives and polices from the Future Land Use Element, Potable Water Sub -Element, Sanitary <br />Sewer Sub -Element, Recreation and Open Space Element, Public School Facilities Element, and the <br />Transportation Element, as well as policies followed by the Sheriff's office and County departments <br />Community Development Department Indian River County <br />Adopted , 2013, Ordinance 2013- <br />26 <br />