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Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvements Element <br />➢ For parks and recreation facilities: <br />At the time the development order or permit is issued, the necessary facilities and <br />services are in place or under actual construction; or <br />2. A development order or permit is issued subject to the condition that, at the time of the <br />issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent, the acreage for the <br />necessary facilities and services to serve the new development is dedicated or acquired by <br />the local government, or funds in the amount of the developer's fair share are committed; <br />and <br />a. A development order or permit is issued subject to a condition that the <br />necessary facilities and services needed to serve the new development are <br />in place or under actual construction not more than one year after issuance of a <br />certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent; or <br />b. At the time the development order or permit is issued, the necessary facilities <br />and services are the subject of a binding executed agreement which requires the <br />necessary facilities and services to serve the new development to be in place or <br />under actual construction not more than one year after issuance of a certificate <br />of occupancy or its functional equivalent; or <br />c. At the time the development order or permit is issued, the necessary facilities <br />and services are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement, to be in <br />place or under actual construction not more than one year after issuance of a <br />certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent. <br />➢ Transportation supply (capacity). Transportation supply shall be determined on a segment by <br />segment basis. For concurrency purposes, all segments on the county's thoroughfare plan shall <br />be considered. Capacity for segments will be based either on FDOT's generalized capacity <br />tables or individual segment capacity studies approved by the public works director pursuant <br />to the criteria specified in Chapter 952, Traffic. Transportation supply for each segment is: <br />1. The segment's existing peak hour, peak season, peak direction capacity; or <br />2. The segment's new roadway capacity if facility expansion for the segment is proposed and <br />if. <br />a. At the time a development order or permit is issued, the necessary facilities and <br />services are in place or under construction; or <br />Community Development Department Indian River County <br />Adopted , 2013, Ordinance 2013- <br />45 <br />