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Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvements Element <br />Policy 5.7: The county shall use general obligation bonds and other sources to raise the funding <br />required to provide those public facilities that cannot be constructed with user fees, revenue bonds, <br />impact fees, capacity charges, or other dedicated revenue sources. <br />Policy 5.8: Developments, which require public facility infrastructure improvements that will be <br />financed by county debt, shall have their development orders conditioned on the issuance of the <br />county debt or the substitution of a comparable amount of non -debt revenue. <br />Policy 5.9: Pursuant to state law, the Schedule of Capital Improvements may be adjusted by <br />ordinance and not deemed to be an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan when the amendment <br />relates to corrections, updates, or modifications concerning costs, revenue sources, acceptance of <br />facilities pursuant to dedications which are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, or the date of <br />construction of any facility except transportation facilities enumerated in the Schedule of Capital <br />Improvements. For transportation facilities, a delay in construction of a facility which causes the <br />level -of -service of that facility to deteriorate below the adopted minimum level -of -service standard <br />for the roadway will require a comprehensive plan amendment. <br />Policy 5.10: The county shall ensure that all capital improvements identified in the various elements <br />of the Comprehensive Plan are completed according to schedule. The only acceptable delays will be <br />those which are subject to one of the following: <br />➢ Projects providing capacity equal to, or greater than, the delayed project are accelerated within <br />or added to the Schedule of Capital Improvements; <br />➢ Modification of development orders issued conditionally or subject to the concurrent <br />availability of public facility capacity provided by the delayed project. Such modification <br />shall restrict the allowable amount and schedule of development to that which can be served <br />by the capacity of public facilities according to the revised schedule; or <br />➢ Amendment of the plan to reduce the adopted standard for the level -of -service for public <br />facilities until the fiscal year in which the delayed project is scheduled to be completed. <br />Community Development Department Indian River County <br />Adopted , 2013, Ordinance 2013- <br />58 <br />