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Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvements Element <br />In addition, a great portion of the plan monitoring will be in conjunction with the concurrency <br />management system which is designed to ensure that approved level -of -service standards are <br />maintained and that sufficient capacity exists in the various services and facilities. Other evaluation <br />of the plan or plan elements is likely to occur in the day to day application of the mandated <br />regulations, which will result in plan amendments. <br />The formal Evaluation and Appraisal Report required by law is currently providing and in subsequent <br />versions will provide a complete review of the plan and be conducted in compliance with the public <br />participation procedures adopted for the development of this plan. <br />As part of the monitoring system, all appropriate baseline data is currently being updated and will be <br />updated. Besides assessing progress, the evaluation and appraisal process is and will also be used to <br />determine whether the objectives should be modified or expanded. In this way the monitoring and <br />evaluation of the Comprehensive Plan Elements not only provides a means of determining the degree <br />of success of the plan's implementation; it also provides a mechanism for evaluating needed changes <br />to the plan element. <br />FACommunity Development\Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments\CIE\2013\2013 Capital Improvements Element - Clean for BCC Review.doc <br />Community Development Department Indian River County 63 <br />Adopted , 2013, Ordinance 2013- <br />