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ORDINANCE NO. 2012-011 <br />any use that constitutes disposal. Recovered materials as described above are not solid <br />waste. <br />Recyclables or recyclable material means those materials which are capable of <br />being recycled and which would otherwise be processed or disposed of as solid waste. <br />The specific recyclables regulated under this part shall be designated by the district <br />board. <br />Recycling container means a rigid container made of plastic or other suitable <br />substance that is used for the storage of recyclable materials. <br />Recyclables toter service means the collection of recyclable materials by a <br />franchisee using recycling containers that have wheels, a handle and lid, and are <br />commonly known as "toters" or roll carts. <br />Regulated solid waste means construction and demolition debris, commercial <br />solid waste, residential solid waste, and recyclables. <br />Residential franchise area means a geographic area in the county where <br />residential solid waste is collected by a franchisee. <br />Residential recyclables franchise area means the geographical area in the <br />county where residential recyclables service or <br />recyclables toter service is provided by a franchisee. <br />Residential recyclables service means the collection of recyclables from a <br />residential unit by a franchisee using recycling containers. <br />Residential service means the collection of residential solid waste by a <br />franchisee. <br />Residential solid waste means garbage, trash, yard trash, and bulk Ttrash <br />resulting from the normal housekeeping activities of a residential unit or a mobile home <br />park that has elected to receive residential service. <br />Residential unit means each lot or parcel of land in the county that is improved <br />for occupancy as a single-family residence, duplex, triplex, or quadraplex, and any other <br />residence, except a multiple dwelling unit. The term also includes individually -owned <br />mobile or modular homes or trailers that: (1) have residential permanent license tags; <br />(2) are erected on a separate parcel of property; (3) are within a residential franchise <br />area or a residential recyclables franchise area; and (4) do not receive commercial <br />service. <br />7 <br />