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TO: Board of 'DATE: January 6, 1983 FELE:. <br />County commissioners <br />FROM Cary M. -Brandenburg <br />County Attorney <br />SUBJECT: <br />Request of Freda Wright, <br />County Clerk to Clarify <br />Expenditures of County <br />Funds for Educational and <br />Incidental Expenses for <br />Employees of the County <br />to Attend-Naxiotis Seminars <br />and Schools. <br />REFERENCES: <br />Attached to this memorandum you will find a letter from Freda <br />Wright requesting the County.Commission to establish a policy <br />clarifying the expenditure of County funds for employees to attend <br />seminars and other educational opportunities. <br />Public funds may not be expended unless the expenditure promotes a <br />public purpose.. With respect to educational programs for public <br />employees, the primary test to be applied is whether the training <br />program is one which will improve the efficiency of the employee to <br />]�erfoam tasks that will benefit the public in general. The train_ - <br />Ing which is meant to train an employee for basic qualifications <br />necessary for the performance of their duties cannot be paid. <br />However, training specifically designed to improve the efficiency <br />of an employee who is already qualified for the position he or she <br />currently holds and which training is necessary to carry out <br />responsibilities of the County may be paid at public expense. <br />To determine which category a specific educational opportunity <br />falls within, one must examine the content of the program and the <br />minimum qualifications necessary under the employee's job descrip- <br />tion. If..the employee is Lequired to have a degree of knowledge <br />offered in the course to obtain the position initially under the <br />job description, then the course may not be paid for out of the <br />public treasury. If, on the other hand, the course is designed to <br />improve efficiency of an employee who is already otherwi,e quali- <br />f.ied to hold the position he or she, currently has, •tasen -1-he conuse. <br />may be paid for if its content is deemed worthwhil._to. ji <br />and attendance would improve efficiency and thus very ��. Cc)"jitt�y <br />purpose. What t s p�ubl i c; <br />type of courses serve a public purpose mll;,t be <br /> on a case by case basis by the County Administrator or <br />the County Commission. <br />With respect to travel expenses, Florida.Statutes 5112.061 (3) a, b <br />provides for reimbursement of travel for an official business trip <br />together with reimbursement for expenses necessarily incurred. The <br />State Statute provides maximum amounts of reimbursement. The <br />employee seeking reimbursement must substantiate the expenses and <br />that the expenses were necessary in order to fulfill this assign- <br />ment which caused the travel. Consequently, the identity of the <br />employee and the employee's scope of duties under his or her posi.- <br />tion and the purpose of the travel must be reviewed to determine <br />eligibility for reimbursement. <br />In addition to the general law referenced above, Indian River <br />County has'a special act adopted in 1963 (Special Act Chapter <br />63-1436 Section 1) which provides <br />"Members and employees of the Board of County <br />Commissioners, when traveling outside the boundaries of <br />Indian River County, whether within or without the state, <br />on official County business duly authorized in open <br />meeting, shall be allowed the same mileage and the same <br />15 a <br />BOOK 2 PA"F 5183 <br />JAS 1 9P 1983 <br />