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ORDINANCE NO. 2014 -amu <br />All with the meaning and intent and as set forth and described in said Land Development Regulations. <br />This ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. <br />This ordinance was advertised in the Press -Journal on the 26th day of May , 2014, for a <br />public hearing to be held on the Qday of June , 2014, at which time it was moved for <br />adoption by Commissioner F 1 e s c h e r , seconded by Commissioner s o 1 a r i , and <br />Chairman Peter D. O'Bryan Aye <br />Vice Chairman Wesley S. Davis Aye <br />Commissioner Tim Zorc Aye <br />Commissioner Joseph E. Flescher Aye <br />Commissioner Bob Solari Aye <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />sN BY: <br />_# Peter D. O'Bryan, Chai an <br />ATTEST: Jeffrey R. Smith, Clerk of Court and Comptroller <br />BY: I / A� z <br />Deputy Clerk <br />This ordinance was filed with the Department of State on the following date: <br />APPROVED AS TO F RM LEGAL SUFFICIENCY <br />Al'angold, County Attorney <br />APPROVED AS TO PLANNING MATTERS <br />Stan Boling, AICP; Vmunity Development Director <br />FACommunity Development\CurDev\Ordinances\2014\2014-_FamilyDollar(gifford).doe 2 <br />