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- CODE OF ORDINANCES <br />Title X. - IMPACT FEES <br />CHAPTER 1000. PURPOSE AND INTENT <br />credits remaining will run with the land and may be utilized as part of future development or a change <br />of use for the site. <br />(3) If a feepayer objects to the amount of any impact fees determined according to subsection (1) or (2) <br />of this section, then the feepayer shall submit a written notice of objection to the community <br />development director. The objection shall include an independent fee calculation study for the land <br />development activity for which a building permit or an initial concurrency certificate is sought. If the <br />objection involves a traffic impact fee, the independent fee calculation provided by the objector shall <br />follow the individual assessment regulations of section 1010.03. The With respect to an objection that <br />involves an impact fee other than a traffic impact fee, the independent fee calculation study shall follow <br />the prescribed methodologies and formats for such a study generally accepted by professionals in the <br />field of expertise for the impact fee at issue. The objection shall be accompanied by an application fee <br />in an amount determined by the board of county commissioners. <br />(A) Within thirty (30) days of receipt, the community development director shall sustain or over rule <br />the objection. If the objection is over ruled, the feepayer may appeal following the procedure <br />outlined in Chapter 100.06 of this code. If the objection is sustained, the feepayer shall pay the <br />accepted amount pursuant to Chapter 1000.09 of this title. <br />(Ord. No. 2005-015.. 5 -1? -05) <br />Section 1000.09. Payment. <br />(1) The person applying for a building permit, mobile home set up permit or an initial concurrency <br />certificate shall pay the impact fees assessed pursuant to this title to the county community <br />development department or to the participating municipality prior to the issuance of a building permit, <br />mobile home set up permit or an initial concurrency certificate. <br />(2) In accordance with Ch. 1000. 12, a feepayer may, in lieu of paying all or part of the impact fees, offer <br />to donate land or construct all or part of a capital improvements project shown in the county capital <br />improvements plan. <br />(Ord_ No. 2005-015, 5-17-05) <br />Section 1000.10. Trust funds. <br />(1) The following impact fee trust funds are hereby established: <br />(A) An emergency services facilities impact fee trust fund for the emergency services impact fee. <br />Funds withdrawn from this account must be used in accordance with the provisions of section <br />1002.04 <br />(B) A correctional facilities impact fee trust fund. Funds withdrawn from this account must be used in <br />accordance with the provisions of section 1003.04 <br />(C) A public building development impact fee trust fund. Funds withdrawn from this account must be <br />used in accordance with the provisions of section 1004.04 <br />(D) A law enforcement facilities impact fee trust fund. Funds withdrawn from this account must be <br />used in accordance with the provisions of section 1005.04 <br />(E) A library facilities impact fee trust fund. Funds withdrawn from this account must be used in <br />accordance with the provisions of section 1006.04 <br />(F) A solid waste facilities impact fee trust fund. Funds withdrawn from this account must be used in <br />accordance with the provisions of section 1007.04 <br />Updates are shown with S*.;I(e thFeuR", and underlines Strike -through wording will be deleted from <br />the ordinance, underlined wording will be added. <br />Indian River County, Florida, Code of Ordinances Page 7 <br />