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CSBG APPLICATION <br />STATEMENT OF ASSURANCES <br />Page `--- of 1---0—.�.- <br />The applicant hereby assures and.certifies as a condition of receipt of Community <br />Services Block Grant (CSBG) funds, that' -it and its subgrantees will comply with <br />the requirements of Federal and State laws, rules, regulations and guidelines. As <br />a part -of this application and as a part of acceptance and use of CS I; fucMs, the <br />applicant assures and certifies that:" <br />1. It possesses legal authority to apply for the grant, that the application <br />has been approved by the applicant's governing body, including all assurances <br />contained herein. <br />2. :It will utlH ie `dSeG•funds to provide a range of services and activities <br />i'having measurable and potentially major impact on causes of poverty in the <br />community and those areas of the community where poverty,is a particularly <br />acute problem. , <br />3. In the case of a• community action agency or non-profi.t private organization, <br />it assures and provides documentation that each hoard of Directors is con- <br />stituted so that: <br />a. one-third of the members of the board are elected pubic officials <br />currently holding office or their representatives, except that if <br />the number of elected officials reasonably. available and willing to <br />serve is less than one-thyrd of the membership of the board, member- <br />ship on the board of appointive,public officials may be counted in <br />meeting such one-third requiremgnt. <br />ba at least one-third of the members of the board are persons chosen in <br />accordance.with democratic selection procedures adequate to assure <br />* that they are representatives of the poor in the area served; and <br />C. the remainder of"the members of the board are officials or members <br />of business, labor, industry, religious; welfare; eiiucatidn;'or other <br />major groups and interests in the"community. <br />4. In the case of a seasonal and migrant farmworker organization, it assures <br />and provides documentation that the Board of Directors consists of at least <br />51% representatives of seasonal and migrant farmworkers. <br />5. Funds will not be used for political -'activities and will prohibit any activities <br />to provide voters and prospective voters with transportation to the pulls or <br />provide similiar assistance in connection with an election or any voter <br />registration activity. " <br />6. It will provide.for coordination among antipoverty programs•in each comounity, <br />where appropriate, with emergency energy crisis intervention programs under <br />Title XXVI of the Low -Income Home Energy Assistance Act conducted in each <br />community. , <br />7. -it possesses the sound fiscal control and -fund accounting procedures necessary <br />to assure the proper disbursal of and accounting for Federal funds received <br />under the Community Services Block Grant. <br />8. It will permit and cooperate with Federal and State investigations designed <br />to evaluate compliance with the law. <br />9. It will give the Department, the Auditor General or any authorized representa- <br />tive complete access -to examine all records, books, papers, or documents <br />related to the grant, including those of any subgrantee. <br />10. It will, in accordance -with Florida Statutes and Section 677 of}Public Law 97-35, <br />comply with non-discrimination provisions. <br />11. it will comply with the match requirements of the CSBG and maintain verification <br />of type and source. <br />FEB 16 1983 .__ <br />