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CS8GOR_KPLAN INSTRUCTIONS <br />GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Make multiple copies of the WORK PLAN form for completion by the <br />APPLICANT and all potential SUBGRANTEES. Work Plan objectives and activities must correlas <br />with the information provided in the Problems/Solutions section. All work plans must be <br />typed. BE SURE TO COMPLETE AT LEAST ONE PAGE OF THE WORK PROGRAM FOR.EJH PROGRAMAREA THAT IS IDENTIFIED. <br />(items #1 and #2) APPLICANT SUBGRANTEE: Enter the name of the agency,/lrcal government <br />making application in line 11. Enter the name of the subgrantee in line 2 only on the <br />subgrantee's work plan. EACH SUBGRANTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FILLING OUT A SEPARATE WORK <br />PLAN. <br />(Item ;3) PROGRAM AREA - Enter the appropriate Program Area (e.g. Housing, Transportation, <br />Employment, CSBG Program Administration, Food and Nutrition, etc.) that you intend to fund <br />with CS8G monies. IF YOU PLAN TO USE CSBG FUNDS FOR SECONDARY ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES", <br />YOU MUST COMPLETE A.SEPARATE PAGE OF THE WORK PLAN FOR EACH PROGRAM WHICH YOU SUPPORT"THROI <br />SECONDARY EXPENSES. The Program Area line must specify. the exact program. Fo r'Example <br />DOE/WEATHERIIATION - SECONDARYADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES. <br />(Item #4) GEOGRAPHIC AREA TO BE SERVED - Identify specific areas (neighborhood, city, count; <br />etc.) to be served -and impacted by your proposed objective. <br />(item #5) CSBG AMOUNT BUDGETED FOR THIS PROGRAM AREA - indicate amount of CS8G dollars that <br />plan to spend on this program. The sum of ail these amounts should total your Pro ram Budge <br />Total. _ <br />(Item 416) OBJECTIVE(S)-Number each objective. Each objective must state_ a quant flab r. <br />measurable expected result within a specific time frame. Every objective you identify" <br />must relate to the problems or needs you identified in the Problems/Solutions Part of this <br />application Example. <br />Objective #I To secure employment for at least 25 elderly heads of households before <br />March 31, 1983. <br />a <br />(Item #7) ANTICIPATED IMPACT ON POVERTY PROBLEM(S) - Indicate HOW your proposed objective <br />will alleviate the prodFems you identified in t e Problems/Solutions Section. Following <br />the sample objective given above, the Anticipated Impact(s) of that objective might be: <br />Example: <br />I <br />By accomplishing this objective, 25 families will earn enough money to <br />support Chuwiselves. This will result in: (1) having approximately 125 <br />less peraons receiving public assistance in the target area; (2) increas- <br />ing ecopf.unic growth in the community; and (3) increased tax contributions. <br />(Item ,#8) ACTIVITIES - List specific activities you intend to carry out <br />proposed to accomplish your <br />objective. <br />Example: <br />• Activities: 1.1 - I'dentiry and survey private and public employers in the target area to <br />identify vacancies and possi•b+1 on-the-job training employment oppartuhit <br />1.2.- Develop a master list of employment opportunities. <br />1.3 - Distribute list to 25 unemployed heads of households per month. <br />(Item 49) STARTING DATE - For each activity, write the exact startinc date. . <br />(Item #10) ENDING DATE- For each activity, write the exact ending date. <br />(Item zlT) FOR DCA USE ONLY _uO.not write in this column. <br />Atli <br />FEB 16 1983 7 <br />.,ct <br />