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CSBG BUDGE -ET SUMMARY INSTRUCTIONS <br />i <br />The CSBG BUDGET SUMMARY is to be completed by the applicant only. Subgrantees must complet <br />only the subgrantee budget. The Budget Summary is a composite of the applicant's budget an <br />any subgrantees budget(•s) Enter the name of applicant and Federal Employer Identification <br />Number. <br />Line 1: The total amount of CSBG dollars requested may 'not exceed the amount allocated. <br />Line 2: Cash match must be at least two percent of Line 1. <br />` Line 3: in-kind match must be eighteen •� <br />g percent of the amount of line 1. If less than <br />eighteen percent, the difference must be balanced by additional cash match. <br />Lin_e_4: Total match must be at least twenty percent of line 1. <br />Lime _5: Total the sum of lines 1 and 4. <br />Lines 6-13 and 24-31: must reflect the applicant's expenditures. <br />Lines. l4-22 and 32-39 must 'reflect the total of all subgrantees expenditures in each budget <br />category. if .there are no subgrantees, do not complete line 14-22 and 32.39. <br />LiTotals Administrative Expenses. <br />Line 23: Reflects the Administrative-Ekpense percentage. <br />Line 40: Totais Program Expenses. <br />Line 41.1s.the total of all Program and Administrative Expenses. <br />Line 4Z: SECONDARY ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES - a special category of administrative support <br />for programs which are not directly funded through CSBG, but which serve eligible <br />clients. ONLY A Dl Pu CT GRANTEEIS ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE SECONDARY ADMINISTRATIVE <br />EXPENSE. <br />SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR LiNE 42,'SECONOARY ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE <br />To apply for support to cover Secondary AdrAinistrative Expenses, the Grantee must <br />supoly proof that the program(s) being administered with Block Grant funds meet(s) <br />the alicfbility guidelines under Section 1,,Ch. 82-228 of the Laws of Florida. <br />A COPY OF THE COMPLETED SECONDARY AOMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE FORM AND ALL REQUIRED <br />SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS MUST BE COMPLETED FOR EACH PROGRAM WHICH WILL USE BLOCK <br />GRANT FUNDS., All the documentat,on requi.rea'should be attached to the <br />Secondary AdmN i s rrat i ve Expenses -Form. - <br />Line 43: TOTAL BUDGET is ^the total of all expenses. <br />a <br />' w9 <br />pw ,787 F <br />