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r FEB 16 1983 <br />DELETION OF WALKER TRACT FROM "SAVE OUR COAST" PROGRAM <br />Administrator Wright reviewed the following memo: <br />TO: The Honorable Members of DATE: February 7, 1983 FILE: �v <br />the Board of County Commissioners <br />FROM: <br />SUBJECT: WALKER PROPERTY <br />Michael Wright(�V/ / REFERENCES: <br />County Adminis t <br />Paul Walker, the agent for the Walker property, has indi- <br />cated an unwillingness to' sell the 23 acres of lana east of <br />AIA that is currently being considered for purchase through <br />the Save Our Coast Program. <br />The syndicate Walker represents owns a total of 51 acres <br />in a parcel that extends from the Atlantic to the Indian River. <br />Attached is a map that outlines the entire tract. <br />The asking price of the entire tract is in'the-neighborhood <br />of $7 million with a probable purchase price in the $5 to $6 <br />million dollar range. The property has only 800 feet of ocean <br />frontage and is located less than two miles from the ocean to <br />river, 90 acre Round Island Park. <br />Even in the unlikely event the state expanded its con- <br />sideration to include participation in the entire parcel, Indian <br />River County's share would run between $1.75 million to $2.1 <br />million, or in excess of $2,100 a front foot. <br />The Count, would be gaining a sizeable tract of land on <br />the Tndian Riv'(,r. However, in my opinion, such a purchase <br />would not be in spirit with either the Save Our Coast program <br />or the intent of the beach acquisition referendum. <br />Because of Walker's unwillingness to sell, I have asked <br />state officials to refrain from proceeding with the appraisal <br />of the property. <br />Work is continuing on the Nutt property with possible, <br />though not probable action, at the March cabinet meeting. If <br />all goes well, the April or May meeting -would be more realistic <br />time frame for consideration. <br />At the next Commission meeting, I will ask that you for- <br />ma-lly drop consideration of the Walker property and direct staff <br />efforts toward acquiring other less costly ocean front tracts. <br />26 <br />