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ORDINANCE 2013-022 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA CONCERNING AMENDMENTS <br />TO ITS LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS (LDRs); PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS <br />TO CHAPTER 911, ZONING, AND CHAPTER 912, SINGLE-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT, BY <br />AMENDING SECTIONS 911.15(2) AND 912.07(1)(B)6. TO REGULATE THE SITING OF <br />OUTDOOR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT IN DEVELOPMENTS WITH REDUCED YARD <br />SETBACKS; AMENDING SECTION 974.06 OF CHAPTER 974, NOISE AND VIBRATION <br />CONTROL, TO EXEMPT PROPERLY SITED AND PROPERLY SOUND -MITIGATED <br />OUTDOOR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT IN DEVELOPMENTS WITH REDUCED YARD <br />SETBACKS; AND BY PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF CONFLICTING PROVISIONS, <br />CODIFICATION, SEVERABILITY, AND EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER <br />COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT INDIAN RIVER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT <br />REGULATIONS (LDRS) CHAPTER 911, ZONING; CHAPTER 912, SINGLE-FAMILY <br />DEVELOPMENT; AND CHAPTER 974, NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL, BE <br />AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: <br />SECTION #1: <br />Amend LDR Chapter 911, Zoning, Section 911.15(2), Yard encroachments, to read as follows: <br />(2) Yard encroachments. Every part of a required yard shall be open and unobstructed from the <br />ground to the sky, except as hereinafter provided or as otherwise permitted in this ordinance. <br />No structure shall be erected within any easement, except as specifically authorized by this <br />ordinance. <br />(a) Structural overhangs. Cornices, awnings, eaves, gutters or other similar structural <br />overhangs, at least seven (7) feet above grade, may extend up to four (4) feet into any <br />required yard, provided that no such overhang shall extend to within six (6) feet of any <br />property line. <br />(b) Sills and belt courses. Sills, belt courses and similar ornamental features may extend six <br />(6) inches into any required yard. <br />(c) Air conditioners, pool heaters and similar mechanical equipment. Air conditioning <br />equipment, pool heaters, sprinkler system controls and similar mechanical equipment <br />(including utility pad mounted equipment) may project into any required yard provided <br />that the equipment is mounted adjacent to the building. <br />In order to minimize potential noise nuisance to adjacent properties, air conditioners, <br />pool heaters and similar mechanical equipment in Planned Developments and small - <br />lot subdivisions with reduced yard setbacks shall be: <br />• located adjacent to a garage or other non -living area, and not located adiacent <br />to an outdoor living area such as a porch or patio; or <br />• located at least 10 feet from all property lines; or <br />• county -approved as a "quiet" low decibel model unit or installed with a <br />county -approved sound barrier or other county -approved noise -mitigating <br />improvement. <br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance <br />StFiCadwoughi Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />F:\Community Development\Users\ROLAND\LDR\Mech equip noise LDR revisions\Outdoor Mech Equip Noise LDR Amend 2013.doc <br />