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ORDINANCE 2012- 012 <br />3. The minimum gradable haul route width shall be twenty-four (24) feet, unless <br />reduced by the Public Works Director for haul route segments not used by <br />the general public. <br />4. Where unpaved haul routes or haul route segments are allowed and the <br />anticipated project haul truck traffic from the proposed mine and approved <br />mines sharing the same haul route segment(s) exceed an average of five hundred <br />(500) truck trip ends per day [as defined in section (4)(f) below], the unpaved <br />haul route segment(s) shall be improved and maintained to the following <br />standards: <br />a. Minimum sub -base of twelve (12) inches and twelve (12) inches of <br />suitable road base material (material such as coquina or structural <br />equivalent approved by the Public Works Director or his designee that <br />can meet the compaction standard below) shall be provided for the <br />duration of the mining project. <br />b. Road material shall be suitably compacted to meet LBR (load bearing <br />ratio) 100 standards. <br />C. The minimum gradable haul route width shall be twenty-four (24) feet. <br />(f) Haul routes or haul route segments shall be paved if the anticipated project haul truck <br />traffic from the proposed mine and approved mines sharing the same haul route <br />segment(s) exceed an average of seven hundred fifty (750) truck trip ends per day. <br />(Truck trip ends are one -directional. For example, one (1) truck entering the mine = one <br />(1) trip end; the same truck leaving the mine = a second trip end.) Applicants may enter <br />into a developer's agreement to equitably share or recoup paving costs. <br />1. Paved haul routes shall meet the following specifications: <br />a. Minimum pavement width shall be twenty-four (24) feet, unless <br />reduced by the Public Works Director for haul route segments not <br />used by the general public. <br />b. Pavement thickness base and sub -base depths shall meet county <br />thoroughfare and truck route specifications, including ESAL (equivalent <br />single axle loads) and pavement strength coefficients. <br />(g) The county's adopted level of service (LOS) for the project haul route and intersections <br />significantly impacted by project truck traffic shall be evaluated using passenger car <br />equivalents (PCEs) for anticipated haul truck traffic based on Institute of Transportation <br />Engineers (ITE) standards for PCEs. (For example, a PCE of 2.3 passenger cars per <br />haul truck would be used to evaluate the LOS for the project haul route and <br />intersections impacted by the project.) Such evaluation shall use average daily haul <br />truck traffic plus a fifteen (15) percent peaking factor. Where a haul route segment(s) is <br />shared by more than one (1) mining operation, haul truck traffic from all the mining <br />operations shall be used in the LOS evaluation. <br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance 2 <br />Stril(O through: Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />F:\Community Development\Users\CurDev\Ordinanccs\2012\Cairns934.doc <br />